A Beautiful Journey of Mind, Body and Spirit…

Discovering The Practice of ThetaHealing®

The Writrix
5 min readJun 26, 2024


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Last weekend, I attended a three-day, Basic DNA ThetaHealing® Course and, I must say, it was nothing short of life-changing.

I’m not a healer in the conventional sense.

I’m not a practicing doctor or a psychologist or a reiki/energy healer, but I’ve always had a profound interest in the mind-body connection. My goal in life has always been to look after my health holistically — body, mind and spirit — so, for me, ThetaHealing® ticked all the boxes.

Unlike some who might stumble upon a healing practice and instantly feel a ‘pull’, it felt more like I was gently guided towards ThetaHealing®… almost as if a spiritual force knew it was time for this next step in my soul’s journey.

And what a step it was!

ThetaHealing® didn’t just feel like a new healing technique — it resonated with me on a deeper level, almost like a belief system that finally connected the dots in my spiritual exploration.

How Did ThetaHealing® Come About?

ThetaHealing® was founded by Vianna Stibal under extraordinary circumstances.

Diagnosed with bone cancer in her femur, Vianna found herself at a crossroads, with conventional and alternative medicines providing no answers.

Desperate for a solution, she prayed to the Creator (also referred to as God, Source, or All That Is) for healing who showed her a meditation technique that sent her brainwaves into the Theta state. This technique, coupled with focused prayer to the Creator, resulted in her complete physical, psychological, and spiritual healing.

Determined to share her amazing discovery, Vianna began applying the same process to others with remarkable success.

This laid the foundation for what would become ThetaHealing®, a technique now practiced by thousands of registered practitioners all over the world.

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What is ThetaHealing®?

At its core, ThetaHealing® embraces the idea that every religion holds beauty and merit and believes that we are all (no exceptions!) ‘sparks’ of the Divine — be it God, the Creator, or the Spirit connecting all existence.

It states that everyone has the ability — and the right — to connect with the Creator. The only prerequisite for practicing ThetaHealing® is a firm belief in God, Source Energy or the Creator of All That Is.

ThetaHealing® also teaches that humanity is evolving into a higher phase of development, characterized by a heightened consciousness and an acknowledgment of our divine nature. This new awareness enables us to harness our power as Divine ‘sparks’ and create our own reality through controlled and focused thought.

The Seven Keys of ThetaHealing®

Before diving into the ThetaHealing® meditation practice, we learned about the Seven Keys necessary to awaken our healing and intuitive abilities:

1. The Power of Words and Thoughts: Recognizing that our words and thoughts shape reality, it’s crucial that we be mindful of what we think and what we say.

2. The Theta Brainwave State: In a conscious theta state, achieved by focusing on the Creator in the Seventh Plane of Existence, we can co-create with God and change reality. (This type of theta brainwave is distinct from dreaming, which is an unconscious theta state).

3. Aligning Psychic Senses: Aligning our four psychic senses — Empathy, Clairvoyance, Clairaudience, and Prophecy — with the seven chakras (Kundalini) enhances our intuitive abilities.

4. Free Agency to Connect with the Creator: Embracing our free will to connect with the Creator empowers us to heal ourselves and others.

5. The Command: Using the phrase, “It is commanded/requested that (the action) be done,” followed by thanking the Creator and affirming “It is done,” aligns our intentions with divine power.

6. Visualizing the Process: Witnessing the process of ThetaHealing® brings it into reality, making visualization a key component for success.

7. Channeling the Creator’s Healing: Understanding that the Creator (not us) performs the healing; that we are merely channels for Creator’s unconditional love and healing energy.

How to Practice ThetaHealing®

Armed with this knowledge, we practiced healing readings in pairs.

The process of performing a ThetaHealing® is straightforward, yet profound.

After meeting the client and gaining the client’s permission to perform a reading or a healing, the practitioner adopts the proper hand position and engages in a specific meditation to ‘go up’ to the Creator.

This involves making a command for healing, asking the Creator to “Show Me” the result, then acknowledging that “It is Done.”

The practitioner must then witness the healing energy at work, observing as it manifests in the client’s body. This witnessing could take various forms, such as showers of light or a golden glow or anything that appears to the healer.

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One of the best aspects of ThetaHealing® is that the same technique can be applied to oneself.

By bringing the Creator into one’s own body and witnessing the healing, we can address our own ailments, just as Vianna did to heal herself completely.

Final Words

My experience with the ThetaHealing® course was profound and eye-opening.

It is a healing system that aligns with my own personal approach to health and well-being.

Best of all, for me, ThetaHealing® isn’t just a healing modality. It’s also a powerful reminder of our inborn connection to the Divine and our amazing potential to harness this connection for healing and transformation.

I left the course on a high, feeling empowered and even more connected to my present spiritual journey.

I can’t wait to integrate these new insights and practices into my daily life!

(My instructor was the lovely Keryn Lee who, with great patience and deep spiritual knowledge, tapped into our strengths and encouraged us to ‘let go’ and trust our innate intuition. Keryn conducts healings in person and online for people from all over the world. She is also a registered ThetaHealing® Instructor. Her courses are both online and face-to-face. You can check out her offerings at www.kerynlee.com.au)

Thank you for reading.



The Writrix
Writer for

The Writrix is Katherine Earle, who loves writing about History and Practical Spirituality. She also writes Cosy and Psychological Crime fiction.