All Mothers

Mother’s Love — BUHUB Contest

Charul & moonlight
4 min readMay 9, 2024


Photo by Daria Obymaha:

All the mothers are like sweet saplings planted in the world; Nourishing and nurturing all sentient beings.

The holy divine mother of this universe blesses our mothers with the boom of motherhood.

This motherhood is imminent even in other sentient beings. We human beings fail to see the contribution of our animal and plant mothers; they might not have given birth to us but they are our mothers; They nurture and nourish us.

This proves that the bond between a mother and a child is beyond blood relations. I have more animal and plant mothers than human ones!!

Human beings divide nature and fail to see the unity of existence. We all come from the same mother earth and get buried in the same.

Here’s a profound old story about one such miracle of a mother’s love.

Once, there lived a couple in a small village in South India. They reared cows and buffaloes for the milk business(milk production) on their farm. In India, cows and cattle are considered as mothers. We worship them and consider them a part of our family.

The couple lived merrily and content. However, the couple could still not conceive a child after three years of their marriage. They consulted several doctors and got to know that the woman had certain complications in conceiving.

People in the village questioned his wife’s fertility and mocked her for her inability to deliver a child. Her In-laws became weary and disregarded her presence in social gatherings.

The woman wept uncontrollably all the time and remained remorseful in her grief. The only people who consoled her were her kind husband and precious mother. She confided her pain to her precious mother cow named “Ganga” and soon after she became pregnant with her first child.

She rejoiced and served a lot to all the cattle on the farm. However, after visiting a doctor a few months later, she came to know that her unborn child was abnormal. The child was disfigured and there was no chance for it to be born alive.

She was devasted and heartbroken. She wept before her mother cow “Ganga” and relayed all her worries. She asked the cow to heal her child and give her the pleasure of being a mother. Coincidentally, the cow was also expecting a child and was soon about to deliver it.

After a few weeks, the woman delivered a healthy baby boy at the hospital. The doctors were shocked to see the child recover by himself. It was a miracle of god. The woman was so grateful and joyful; she wanted to reach home as soon as possible and feed her mother cow with some sweet jaggery as a token of gratitude.

Upon reaching home, she inquired about her mother cow “Ganga”. Sadly, her in-laws informed her about Ganga’s sell-off to a butcher. It came to know that Ganga had delivered a disabled, abnormal calf that morning. Moreover, it had also been informed by the doctors that Ganga would never be able to bear a child again.

Her inlaws were cold-hearted and selfish people, they sold her off to the meat industry. The woman wept regretfully and felt guilty for pleading Ganga for a child. She realized that her sweet mother had taken her misfortune upon herself.

She pledged to dedicate her whole life to serving voiceless beings. As a mother, she even encouraged her son and husband to join in this act of service. Everyone in the village was inspired by their good work and joined hands to collaborate with them. Her in-laws felt shameful for their misconduct and vowed to help her in this service to repent their sins.

So, by this lore, we see how divine our mothers are; so compassionate and inclusive; Always full of love and selflessness.

This story is a poignant example of a mother’s love and how our mothers influence everyone around us with their umbrella of everlasting wisdom. She is the guide and most benevolent spirit on the planet. She deserves respect and dignity no matter what circumstances she faces. In the story, the woman was made to feel worthless and ashamed of her infertility.

Our society still lacks wisdom and compassion for others.

Meanwhile, our mothers are the epitome of love…..

They might never have given birth to a child but they give birth to a new society…..

Let us remember all our mothers (animals, plants, and humans) this Mother’s Day and fill their lives with evermore joy.



Charul & moonlight
Writer for

I'm a love expressing through art. A young girl with a burning heart. Love to teach the art of writing and living a healthy life.