And The Cycle Goes On…

Nature follows its course uninterruptedly.

2 min readAug 9, 2024


Photo by Fernando @cferdophotography on Unsplash

Night spreads its cloak to wrap up the day, quietens the noises rising within and without, putting us to sleep for a period of relaxation after a long day’s work.

One day follows another, the sun rises and sets in the evening with the earth following its orbit around the sun while rotating on its axis causing appearance of sunrise and sunset.

After winding up the work, making plans for another morrow, we repose our bodies to save energy for a day ahead that is rife with uncertainty.

One cycle paves the way to another, leaving no choice for us but to move along.

Treasure each day as it offers a wealth of endless possibilities to evolve and play a bigger role on a platform where a display of our actions as deeds take place.

“There is only one day left, always staring over: it is given to us at dawn and taken away from us at dusk.”

-Jean– Paul Sartre

Nature takes its course without any intervention signifying balance and harmony. Embrace it.Despite our inflated egos, we appear to be diminutive figures in a universe that is so massive and mysterious.

Undoubtedly, the transition between day and night is imperative to ensure the survival of all of us. The rising sun with its power to dispel darkness is a sign of optimistic attitude.

“And if you don’t believe the sun will rise, stand alone and greet the coming night in the last remaining light.”

-Chris Cornell

We have a marvellous capacity to stand alone, shine like the sun and observe the drama of life unfolding before our eyes objectively.




I write to share my thoughts that are based on my personal experiences as I find it therapeutic for myself.