Being Bold In Your Assumption

Using The Law of Assumption To Step Into The Version of You That Has Your Desire

Ashley P
3 min readMay 10, 2024


Photo by Alex Shute on Unsplash

It takes boldness to step into a new version of yourself but that’s essentially what the law of assumption is. With the law of assumption you are shifting to the state of being the person that has what you desire. Instead of attracting it to you, with the law of assumption you already know that you have that desire and you live from it.

We are conditioned to think that we have to take logical steps in order to change our reality because that’s what was taught to us. In the logical realm, we are taught that you do this, then you do that, and you will have this outcome. Everything is dependent on an action on our part. We’re also conditioned to do things on the outside to get what we desire.

Everything Happens From The Inside Out

When you are living life under spiritual law, things are a lot different. What happens on the internal is manifested in the external. We decide what we want and then become that. This takes practice. In order to become the version of you that you desire, takes boldness. It also takes a mindset of going against what the majority of people think about how things are created.

You have to not let your current circumstances deter you from knowing that you are what you say you are at any given moment. This takes practice and persistence. There may be times when you are afraid or doubtful. That’s ok. In those moments remind yourself of who you are. You can affirm. You can speak to the doubtful thought and cancel it out. Find a method that works for you and work it.

Knowing Is Your Superpower

Being bold in your assumption takes building your faith muscle and turning it into knowing you are that which you say you are. The more you do it, the more natural it will feel to you. You will eventually get to a place of effortlessly walking in your assumption anytime you wish to shift realities.

Let This Be Your Secret

I suggest keeping your assumptions to yourself to help you stay in the right vibration. This has worked tremendously for me. Debating and convincing people that what you do and believe works is a huge drain on your energy and can your faith and beliefs if you’re just beginning this walk in life. You will know when or if it’s time to share what you’re doing with others.

If there’s something that you’ve been desiring in your life, try this approach. Use the law of assumption to begin to carrying yourself and thinking from the place of being that which you desire. Watch as the Universe will shift mountains to make that your physical reality.

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Ashley P
Writer for

I share spiritual messages to help you through your spiritual awakening, healing and ascension. Spirituality changed my life and it will change yours too.