Changing Your Emotional Narrative

How cognitive reappraisal help our emotional health

𝓦𝓮𝓵𝓵 𝓣𝓸𝓭𝓪𝔂
3 min readApr 3, 2024


Photo by Tengyart on Unsplash

Imagine you’ve got a critical presentation coming up. The butterflies in your stomach go wild — is that excitement or crippling anxiety? What if there was a mental tool to shift your emotional experience, making that task feel challenging rather than threatening? That’s the power of cognitive reappraisal.

At its core, cognitive reappraisal means reinterpreting a situation to change your emotional response. Picture these mental maneuvers:

  • Reframing: Finding a different angle. Instead of, “I’m going to embarrass myself,” try “This shows my knowledge is valued.”
  • Broader Perspective: Stepping back. Will this mistake matter in a week, a year? Seeing the big picture lessens the immediate sting.
  • Finding the Opportunity: Shifting your mindset from, “This is awful!” to “What can I learn from this if things go wrong?”

It’s not about suppressing your negative emotions, but rather changing your relationship to them.

Here’s where the magic of cognitive reappraisal comes in:

  • Stress Reduction: Chronic stress wrecks havoc on our bodies and minds. Reappraisal allows you to regulate your reactions, easing that constant stress response.
  • Emotional Resilience: It allows you to handle curveballs without immediately being hijacked by negativity. This fosters problem-solving, not panic.
  • Mental Flexibility: The ability to see situations from multiple angles is invaluable in conflict, life change, and the ordinary frustrations of daily existence.

It’s not about toxic positivity or faking confidence you don’t feel. Here’s how reappraisal plays out:

  • Work Deadline: Instead of, “I’ll never finish this” try “If I break it into smaller tasks, it feels doable.”
  • Difficult Conversations: Rather than, “This will end badly”, frame it as “I value this relationship, so I’m looking for solutions, not picking a fight.”
  • Negative Self-talk: Notice catastrophic, judgmental thoughts. Practice challenging them with neutral or hopeful alternative narratives.

Cognitive reappraisal isn’t about flipping a switch — here’s where to start:

  • Awareness: Learn to notice what triggers your strong emotional reactions. What does that inner voice say?
  • Question Your Thoughts: Are they realistic? Helpful? Try to find a sliver of neutrality or an alternative spin.
  • Practice, Practice!: It takes repetition to make reappraisal your “go-to”. Start with low-stakes situations to build this mental muscle.

Cognitive reappraisal isn’t always the answer. Deep sadness, anger, or grief shouldn’t be brushed aside with forced reframing. If your emotions are overwhelming or persistent, it’s important to seek support — no amount of mindset shift is a substitute for professional help when you need it.

While sometimes life demands action, we have far less control over the external world than we do over our inner one. Cognitive reappraisal lets you change how situations influence your mood, offering an empowering shield against stress and a key to a more resilient life.

Thank you

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𝓦𝓮𝓵𝓵 𝓣𝓸𝓭𝓪𝔂

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