Fun Saturday Inspiration

Did You Know Your House Number Means Something Special? — Fascinating Discovery😃

I had no idea, and I’m so glad I came across this information. The Universe surely works in mysterious ways; it’s proof…..

Emy Knazovic
Published in
3 min readJan 21, 2024


Credit: Canva Pro

As I was browsing Youtube for some inspiration, I came across a lovely lady talking about how your “house number” actually means something.

I’ve never thought of this before, and I’ve been living in my house for the past 8 years!

Apparently, you choose your house number consciously or unconsciously, and you settle in for your best results.

I had no idea! 🥳I wasn’t consciously looking at the house number at the time, but what this lady said about this number shocked me to the bone!

I’ll share with you the video of hers at the end, but first, check this out!

Credit: Canva Pro

My house number is: 2869, 2+8+6+9=25, 2+5=7.
My apartment number is: 2131, 2+1+3+1=7.



Emy Knazovic
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Editor at Be Unlimited Hub | I Write To Challenge Your Mind & Soul | Spirituality, Mindfulness, Psychology, Writing, Self Improvement, Master Coach