Full Freedom (A Poem)

A rhyming verse about nature

Williams Oladele
2 min readJun 24, 2024


Photo by Boris Smokrovic on Unsplash

I wake to see them every morn

Already there, pecking at corn.

Out there on beauteous mowed lea

They peck whatever food they see,

Out there, foraging, just for foods

Awhile, on tall and shady woods.

The coloured, patterned or the plain

Flying here, time and time again.

The tawny, russet, blue or brown

Aglow, foraging on green lawn.

They come the morning, noon and eve

To take the crumbs on which they live.

They land atop the concrete fence

Awhile and sharp with acute sense.

On twigs and leaves, they freely stride

In twos and threes, and side by side.

On leaves and sand, they stroll around

Most times making many a sound

That seems inviting to the ear.

Singing with voices sweet and clear,

Making their precious presence felt

Aware that men may try to pelt.

They gaily jump from twig to twig

With tiny feet, from sprig to sprig —

For not a thought at hand they hold

What comely creatures to behold!

They sagely move from trees to trees

Daring both morn and evening breeze.

Like these cute creatures glad and free,

The winsome way — I crave to be!



Williams Oladele

Creative writer by passion, digital consultant by choice. I help individuals and businesses to find and amplify their unique voice. olaidozen.com.ng/blog.