Girl’s office is in the kitchen

Shouldn’t this mentality stop

Oluwatomide 😍
2 min readJun 1, 2024


Photo by Hannah Busing on Unsplash

Gender inequality has deeply affected society, and there's a pressing need for reorientation. My father didn’t value education for girls, so he didn’t bother sending us to school. Thank God for my understanding mother. she wanted her kids to be well-educated. I was the only female child in my family. When I was three, my mom asked my dad to send me to school. He refused and stuck to his decision. "Girls are meant to be in the kitchen, to cook and take care of their homes. What do they need education for?" he said. Despite my mom's pleas, he still didn’t yield.

My mother took it upon herself to send me to school, and I never knew my father was not in support of my education. She hid it from me. But I noticed my father pampering my brothers more than me; they weren’t allowed to do anything other than play ball.

I overheard my mother's complaint about it while I was taking my brothers' used plates to wash in the kitchen. "Her role is different from their roles. Do you want them to carry the plates and wash the dishes when they have a sister?"

I began to wonder what made my brothers and me different. "Mom, why do I have to do all the household chores while all my brothers do is read and play games?" I asked. "That's what makes you a girl. You’re strong, intelligent, and hardworking. But boys are just boys," she replied.

When I got to high school, my mom couldn’t afford the tuition fees. She begged my dad for money, but he bluntly told her he didn’t have any money to spend on a female child. I overheard their conversation and realized my mom was my sponsor. Although this revelation saddened me, I vowed to make her proud.

My mom single-handedly sponsored my education. I strove hard to become a great person to prove to my dad that as a girl, I have many roles to play in society. I am now a nurse and a girl child activist.

Until when will we realize that both genders play important roles in society and that females are not meant to be in the kitchen alone?

Adedunmola 😍



Oluwatomide 😍
Writer for

Hello, welcome to my bio, I'm a poet, writer, Nature Photographer, and Music addict