Happiness is a mindset that exists independent of any external entity, though the quest in itself is like searching for a holy grail.

Published in
2 min readSep 12, 2024

We make futile efforts to attain happiness from outside rather than looking inside.

Photo by Stan B on Unsplash

The great philosopher, thinker and novelist Leo Tolstoy describes an anecdote about his childhood. He and his brother used to play in the forest adjacent to their house. One of their favourite games was looking for a magical stick the possessor of which would gain an extraordinary power to make all the beings happy by eradicating their sufferings. One cannot help being amazed by such a magnanimity of the spirit. It is a rare instance of an exceptional thinking.

The world we are living in is in sharp contrast to such ideologies due to our altruistic desires and aspirations.

Life is in a constant flux. In midst of changing milieu, we are more or less reluctant to accept the new challenges. Later in life, when time slips out of our hands, we may realise that we have missed several blissful moments in sheer ignorance and lack of awareness.

Most often, the prime time of life gets wasted in arguing, bickering, winning, proving and justifying ourselves in particular situations at certain times. In this deluge of negative emotions, little do we realise that we have drifted far away from the basic qualities befitting human beings which nurture our existence. We build strong fortifications around ourselves to keep our inflated egos safe within our narrow gaze.

This leads to a power play where definition of victory is misinterpreted and the beauty of relations gets lost in the dreary desert of heartless land. The dry land soaks the best part of us and what remains is an endless emptiness marked by lack of respect, sympathy, trust and love for humanity.

Happiness eludes many of us due to our own lackadaisical approach shooting forth from negative thought patterns. While on the other hand, compassion teaches us to find ways to be happy even in midst of turmoil.

The moment the soul is awakened, love springs forth like a fountain of crystal clear water from the depths of a beautiful soul illuminating the whole environment. True ecstasy is like the rain that purges the soul from all the dirt of vices and sins to purify it.

Happiness comes from within. It doesn’t depend on any outside source.



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I write to share my thoughts that are based on my personal experiences as I find it therapeutic for myself.