My Need for Love Dissolved in 3 Seconds

Love Heals All — BUHUB Contest

Carolina Cummins | Lead with Love


Do you struggle with self-love and are longing for love from others? This is your story!

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Picture of a white angel made out of light surrounded by sparkles and blue and violet colours
Picture created by the author on CANVA Pro

Right from the beginning of my life, I remembered where I came from.

It was somehow engraved into my Soul. Wherever I go I carry that loving, peaceful energy of the angelic realm with me in my heart.

I remember the unconditional love that is present there, the ease, the joy and the contentment, although Angels wouldn’t call it that, they just have it.

But as soon as I was born into my body the conditions here on Earth took over.

I felt how the outer appearances influenced me strongly, my body absorbed them, whether I wanted that or not. They seemed more real now.

My first memory was me alone in my cot, 3-weeks old, feeling cold and unwanted.

I assumed I was unwanted because nobody came. Instantly that assumption became a belief by feeling the strong emotion of not being loved etching the belief into my body.

This is how our brain creates our reality.

The feeling stayed with me until recently, although it was never true. It was just my perception.

I unknowingly made it up and never inquired about its truth.

That’s how it got stored in my unconscious mind and started running as unwanted software.

Whenever Life brought me a scene similar to where I was alone in my cot, this pain of not being wanted came up.

When certain young men didn’t want to go out with me.

When my future husband couldn’t decide whether he wanted me, I gave him an ultimatum, because I couldn't wait nor bear if the answer would be no.

Not getting a response from people, hanging in there, and waiting for a message while feeling the pain of not being important, was the hardest for my ego self to endure.

It felt like waiting for an eternity.

To not feel that pain, I chased the men interested in me.

In a relationship, I needed to know if I was still loved every hour or so, otherwise my need would trigger.

But my untrue belief kept my heart locked up. This made it impossible to feel my always-present, innate love in my heart!

Feeling unloved and unwanted was my biggest life lesson.

I had to master it!

What happened next was, that Life sent me a Soul family member to help me with this.

We knew each other from a previous life where we were priests and therefore couldn’t be in an intimate relationship. The attraction between us felt like electricity.

The catch, he was married and so my learning began.

Each time he didn’t come, when he said he would, due to his circumstances, I was crying my heart out feeling so hurt. This went on for months and then years.

Again and again, I was shown that I was not wanted. Still, I wanted our Love to win despite the situation.

One day, I was in my kitchen making my morning coffee when his daily message came in with another ‘Sorry I couldn’t make it yesterday’ lie, something unusual happened.

My hurt was extra strong, anger had joined it and while my tears rolled down my cheeks, feeling so fed up and exhausted, a voice said “But you are Love.”

OMG, of course! I AM LOVE. How could I forget this?!?

I am Love and I don’t need Love from anybody else!

Instantly all my pain was gone! In three seconds, my awareness shifted from being identified with my ego-self to being my true Higher Self where no pain exists.

It is this simple! Yet it takes practice to achieve the shift.

I’ve never forgotten this extraordinary experience! From then on, I used this insight whenever I felt emotionally low.

LOVE can heal anything in seconds when we let go of our ego’s pain.

LOVE has the power to dissolve all lack, fear and limitation. LOVE is our true essence.

But we have to let go and move out of the ego mind.

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