Mindset For Winners

How to Begin Your Day With Enthusiasm

What I do to keep my energy high all day… Besides drinking coffee… 😅

Emy Knazovic
Published in
3 min readFeb 9, 2024


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The first thing people notice and love about me is my contagious energy. I’ve worked hard to get to this place, and you can too!

When you create your life from this magnificent energetic place, the impossible becomes possible.🤗

I prepare everything I need or want to do the next day the night before.

I set intentions for my heart, mind and soul.

While most people write ‘to-do’ lists, I write:

“Who do I need to be to create my day full of excitement, love, and joy?”

When we lead from the highest energetic place of love, gratitude, and joy, experiences we desire seem to fall into our laps like magic.

Focusing too much on “what you can get” introduces negative energies.

Throw those out the window and start asking this question instead:

What do you love doing?



Emy Knazovic
Editor for

Editor at Be Unlimited Hub | I Write To Challenge Your Mind & Soul | Spirituality, Mindfulness, Psychology, Writing, Self Improvement, Master Coach