How to Dissolve Your Ego and Manifest Your True Desires

And 6 Steps You Can Implement Right Away…

Emy Knazovic
Published in
5 min readMar 13, 2024


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SPIRITUALITY | MINDSET FOR WINNER How to Dissolve Your Ego and Manifest Your True Desires And 6 Steps You Can Implement Right Away… written by Emy Knazovic https://medium.com/@emyknazovic
Created by Author via hotpot.ai and canva.com

Your ego, your precious ego, is built to keep you safe. It is responsible for your survival and desires to be in control of your life.

If you’re not aware of your ego’s thoughts, you can easily fall into suffering, feeling too attached to people and things in your life, and entertain limiting thoughts in your day-to-day experiences.

Pay Attention to What You’re Paying Attention To

Your ego has stories of your past and even your future. The past comes from experiences; the future mostly comes from worries and “what-ifs”.

Your ego will always think the worst thing that can happen to prepare you for any unsafe outcomes.

In order for us to manifest our desires, we must learn to speak with our ego in a manner that is compassionate and understanding, yet



Emy Knazovic
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I help you live your best life with less stress & more freedom, excitement. Daily simplified life habits, mental toughness, spiritual growth. Editor at B.U.Hub