I Am Awake!

BUHUB Writing Contest

Ayesha Hussain
3 min readJun 13, 2024


Photo by Bruna Leite on Unsplash

Before high school, I was a normal person, with dream of travelling and exploring the world, fond of music, singing, and these unusual things. No struggling were there in my life, just living the life!

After that when I have to choose my field that will eventually become my career, all I wanted to do was just to become a Doctor at any cost!

I gave the entrance exam of it, but rejection took place, I was devastated, depressed, don’t know what to do now, because I never thought of rejection in my life and In my life, I haven’t experienced any rejection..

That rejection distanced me from everyone but I got close with God! I started sharing everything with him. I stopped telling people my feelings. That day i was awoke! After that I gave any tests to become a Doctor but still rejection, rejection was always there. I have no words to describe my feelings.. I was fighting with myself, I was crying but only in my prayers. Only God knows about all the things I have gone through. That was the time I suffered a lot! With God by my side, I was unable to achieve my goal.

Then, I took a deep breath and I started searching about other fields and scope. It was very difficult for me because I have no interest in anything other than becoming a Doctor, till I carried on doing the research.

At that time, I was still hopeful that a miracle will happen because I believed in God and I will be able to do what i want. But still no miracle happened.

Then after almost 8 months of struggle, God show me the way! I pursue my career in Food Science and technology, I don’t know much about it, but it was better than wasting my time.

When I started my studies, I Started to feel like, God planned this for me, he don’t want me to become a Doctor.

And I also something feels that i would do all the studies of Doctor but if I don’t become a good doctor? Now what ? There will be nothing I could do..

So, you have to trust God and his timings, he always have a better plan for you.

But still mu whole heart, my mind is stuck in becoming a Doctor, although I got into another Field..

I am doing just for the sake of Allah, and with a hope that he has a better plan for me ❤️

Someone said this and I am in so love with this:

“ Sometimes, God destroys your plan before your plan destroys you”.

What was the moral?

“Wake up! Sometimes things will not go your way! Doesn’t means its the end but it’s the beginning of a miracle” ❤️

~My journey ❤️



Ayesha Hussain
Writer for

Multi-tasker! Can Write about anything! like anything that you want to read, Poetry and Gives the best advise on Science, Health, Life, Creativity and many more