I Lost Him

The feeling of loss

Oluwatomide 😍
2 min readMay 4, 2024


Photo by Ian Taylor on Unsplash

I've walked on the surface of the earth,
Removed the layers of the universe,
Looked through the branches of the sky,
But found you not.

Plucked the ripened Sun,
Cared less for its hotness.
Inquired from the stars,
Opened the curtains of the clouds,
Just to catch a glimpse of you.

Have you ever lost someone, knowing they were never coming back? Loss isn't always about death, though.

There was a woman who was often seen sitting outside as if waiting for the arrival of someone special. I asked a close relative of hers why she was always outside. "She lost her son to the war, and his body wasn't found. In denial, she believed he wasn't dead." She stayed at the same spot, waiting for her son until her death. The emptiness you feel when you lose something precious.

I had a music friend in high school. We both loved music, which is why we connected right away. He was my music buddy. When I left for another school, I began asking around for him, but nobody knew where he was. I searched for him on social media platforms, but to no avail. I lost a music buddy.

Adedunmola 😍



Oluwatomide 😍
Writer for

Hello, welcome to my bio, I'm a poet, writer, Nature Photographer, and Music addict