Peace and purpose are intertwined — What’s the relationship between them? find out in this article

If you’ve found Purpose, you’ve found Peace

Looking to improve your life? Read this article



The soul constantly craves freedom and peace, one that is only found in purpose!

Picture from Pexels

In a lame man’s definition, Peace is defined as a state of calmness or serenity, but I call it a state of wholeness and a feeling of self-discovery or fulfillment.

June 10, 2023.

It was late in the night, some minutes past 10 pm

There was a heavy downpour from around 6 pm

I had previously been indoors for 3 days and felt the urge to step out for a while

So I took a walk. A long walk into dialogue with my mind

A walk into question and answer section with myself

I guess I was just curious, shouldn’t we all be?

Read with me

It is often said that peace is free, but is it really free?

Peace is a bio product of dead fear

Peace comes with an activation of your inner voice

That small still voice that whispers

That voice that tells you when to go and where to go

That voice that tells you who your real friends are

The day you find it, you’re just an inch close to finding peace as well

I was in confusion, I needed direction, I needed understanding

I was hopeless, helpless and tired,

I had tried to find my path severally and failed

I searched my body and soul but was futile, I couldn’t find it

I lost faith, I felt like a failure again and by now, failure had become a pattern

I was at the verge of saying it was nice doing life with you everyone

Just then, I took that walk.

I plugged in my earpiece and played my favorite song by BurnaBoy (If I’m Lying) on repeat

The volume was quite low, so it does not distract my mind

But I was fully conscious of the song lyrics, so I sang along

I walked for a while until I started to feel unease as I walked

I lost it on the road, I talked to myself like I was mad

I asked questions, I spoke out loud, I raised my voice

I didn’t care who was looking or listening, I just walked, talked and screamed

I asked several questions, but no one answered me. I lost myself in guilt as I cried

I kept asking questions until I asked 2 unforgettable questions

- What is life?

- Why am I alive?

I walked past a dam and felt the cold breeze from the evening wave on my skin

By now, it was long into 11 pm already

Suddenly, the atmosphere changed, I felt a sensation as goosebumps covered my skin

I felt someone get close to me, I turned and looked in fear but saw no one

I paused and then continued my walk but became conscious of my environment

I felt air rush at me again and then a voice came, it said “You’re here for a reason”

I panicked but composed myself as fast as I could

I was sure I had heard that voice before yet it sounded so unfamiliar

Could this be an imagination or was it real?

I have heard people talk about this voice before, I just didn’t know I could hear it too

It was in me, asleep it was, and needed to be awakened

It was patient and waited till I was fully attentive

Then the voice came again, life is in stages and you’re here for a reason it said

It talked to me clearly and neither sounded like a man nor a lady

It talked softly from a distance away yet sounded crystal clear like it was close

It asked me a few questions, some of which felt like I had heard or seen them before

Maybe in books or articles I had read but then they were familiar questions

I was thrilled because the voice knew everything about me

He talked to me about myself with honesty, patience, and love

It reminded me of things in the past, some of them even made me laugh

It told me what I did well and what I should have done better

It talked randomly for a while and slowly faded away

By now I had turned and was walking back home

I reminisced on the sweet discussion and all the questions it asked until I got back home

Exhausted from the walk, I needed to rest, a lot of rest for that matter!

It was particular about certain questions and I had to write them down

In my mild confusion, I laid to sleep and then it got even more interesting!

I had a dream

In my dream, I found myself in different scenarios, then the voice came again.

This time it came in whispers and directed me

In that dream, I was told what I must do and how to start

That was the day my life started to take shape

On the verge of losing it all, I activated my inner voice

I took that walk to ask questions. The voice came also on the same day

Everything it said, I remember vividly even as I write this article

I have always felt it, the inner pull, the mind haunt, my inner voice

It was there waiting to be found but I hadn’t panted nor asked enough

No one finds purpose and doesn’t find peace

I thirsted for it, I fought for it, because it can only be gotten in war

The war against the weaker self, the war against guilt and trauma, the war into clarity and knowledge!

That night, as I lay to sleep, I had that dream

A dream that confirmed that I was on the right track

In that dream, answers came, and I was directed on how to go about everything.

A life of value and a life of passion

A life of freedom and humanity

A life of stewardship and a life of compassion

A life of forgiveness and a life of love

A life of consideration to all living things (humans, plants, and animals)

A life void of guilt and a life of purpose

Is that not what we all want, need, and pray for?

Where else would you find that if not in PEACE!

Picture from my gallery

Now you know there’s a price to pay, I ask you again, is peace truly free?

I have answers to the questions I asked that night and how I found my peace and purpose.

A lot of people have read and given good remarks. See for yourself!

You already know what to do if you want to read more of this kind of articles

Today makes it a year since I found my purpose. If I can, you can too.

Thank you for reading and cheers to growth!



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Do something different to get better everyday - Self-Help Enthusiast - Nature Lover