In Quiet Moments

To Mom and Dad, I’m sorry for your loss

Hazel Wai
2 min readMay 24, 2024


Photo by Matt Botsford on Unsplash

In the silence of the evening,
When shadows softly fall,
I feel the weight of sorrow,
A loss that echoes all.

My dad, his heart so heavy,
Grieves for his mother dear,
Her laughter now a memory,
Her voice no longer near.

My mom, she weeps in silence,
For a brother lost too soon,
Their childhood days, their memories,
Now shadowed by the moon.

The house feels strangely quiet,
A void we cannot fill,
Their presence once so vibrant,
Now leaves a space so still.

I see the pain within their eyes,
A hurt so deep and raw,
And though I try to comfort,
It’s solace they still claw.

In quiet moments, tears will fall,
For those we miss so much,
Their absence felt in every room,
Their memory, a tender touch.

But in this grief, we find our strength,
In love, we’ll heal our hearts,
Together, we will navigate,
This life, though torn apart.

For even in the darkest times,
When sorrow clouds the skies,
We’ll find the light of those we lost,
Reflected in our eyes.



Hazel Wai

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