It’s Me and It’s Liberating

𝓦𝓮𝓵𝓵 𝓣𝓸𝓭𝓪𝔂
Published in
3 min readMar 5, 2024

There’s a power in being different, in inhabiting a space in the world no one else can replicate. In a society that prizes conformity, I choose to embrace my individuality — its messy edges, its constant evolution, and its undeniable beauty. My body, with its uniqueness, is a vessel of experience. My spirit is a vibrant journey, woven from the vibrant threads of laughter and gentle tears, bold hopes and quiet fears. My voice, though sometimes hesitant, finds its strength with every word, every expression. These are not flaws to be hidden; they are the very blueprint of my soul, the essence of what makes me irreplaceably me. I will hold them with pride, knowing that true beauty lies in the authenticity of being.


Ownership is radical in a world that sometimes tells us to shrink or conform. I choose to boldly claim both my victories and my stumbles — they are the contours of my growth, evidence of a life fully lived. My personality is a beautiful, complex puzzle; sometimes the pieces fit seamlessly, other times they clash, demanding readjustment. Through it all, self-compassion is my anchor, a gentle reminder that I am worthy of love, especially in those moments of uncertainty. The past whispers its lessons, but it does not dictate my future. That narrative is mine to write, my path to forge with courage and a belief in my ever-evolving potential.


This world can be a cacophony of noise and demands, a relentless whirlwind trying to pull me off course. But within me lies a sanctuary of stillness, a space where only my authentic self resides. My thoughts swirl like a flurry of autumn leaves — some holding golden wisdom to be cherished, others simply meant to be released with the changing seasons. From this inner dialogue, my truth emerges. It may evolve and shift with time, with new experiences coloring its shape, but its essence will always remain undeniably mine. This truth is my compass, guiding me back to myself when the world grows too loud.


I hold within me the tools to chart my own course: resilience honed by challenges, creativity that sparks new possibilities, and the unwavering audacity to dream beyond limitations. People and circumstances may swirl around me in a dance of constant change, but my core strength remains unshaken. The ability to adapt, to forge meaningful connections, to carve out my unique place in the world — this is the essence of self-engineering. It’s a conscious process of building a life that reflects who I am, a testament to my belief in the power within.


“I am me” transcends a simple statement; it’s a battle cry, a call to action. Doubt may creep into the corners of my mind, casting temporary shadows, but it can never fully extinguish my light. To fully accept my worth, to stand with unwavering confidence in a world that may question or misunderstand — this is my ongoing journey. It won’t always be easy; there will be stumbles and sidetracks. Yet, I wouldn’t trade it for anything, for within this journey lies the most extraordinary adventure of all: the relentless pursuit of becoming truly, authentically myself.



I do my thing and you do your thing. I am not in this world to live up to your expectations. And you are not in this world to live up to mine. You are you and I am I. And if by chance we find each other, it’s beautiful. If not, it can’t be helped. ~Fritz Perls



𝓦𝓮𝓵𝓵 𝓣𝓸𝓭𝓪𝔂
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