Pause, Relax and Reflect

It’s Okay to Take a Pause.

You are human, not a clock.

Hephzy B.


Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash

I’m aware you’ve been told repeatedly that only clocks work 24 hours without taking a break.

But what if I told you that clocks also have bad days where they simply take a break

You guessed right, my friend.

When their battery is faulty, some clocks break is forever if no one attends to them. While other clocks break is for a few seconds, minutes, or hours, as the case may be.

Back to you, my friend, there’s just a little difference between you and a clock — the name “clock” and you being human.

Photo by Moritz Kindler on Unsplash

Just like a clock that takes a forever break if no one attends to it, you can also be replaced at work or even banned from that social media platform you’ve dedicated your life to if you don’t pause to reflect and improve at what you do.

The workplace is also looking for fresh and creative minds to contribute to their growth; don’t become an old mind because you don’t take breaks to re-strategize.

Aside from prioritizing being a fresh and creative mind, if a clock can take a break from the hustle and bustle, who says you don’t need a break and some enjoyment in your life?

I know society has made us believe that the most important thing we need in our life is money.

Photo by Alexander Grey on Unsplash

Without money, we can’t do anything; we can’t take care of our family, our well-being, and earn respect in society.

And so, we work till we can’t work again without taking a pause to enjoy the money we’ve acquired.

Inasmuch as money is a beautiful tool, rest is something you must never ignore.

The more you tell your body you can’t rest now, the more it keeps waiting to collapse and forces you to take that break.

Life has given you an opportunity, and it’s the weekend.

Take a pause this weekend and do the things you love and enjoy your money.

I’m not saying you should squander all your savings. Hahaha.

Incase you choose to squander it, be ready to work for money again.

I hope you got value. Cheers to the weekend 🥂🥂



Hephzy B.
Writer for

I motivate you for a living- Self development and Growth Coach