Lose Not Hope

Williams Oladele
Published in
1 min readJun 1, 2024
Photo by Nick Fewings on Unsplash





When times seem to have changed

And friends sadly estranged;

When you are on your own, alone

And into despair’s deep ditch thrown…

Oh! When all you can hear

Close, consistent and clear

Are heavy beats of dismal drums

Accompanied by slow sad strums…

Oh! When all you can see

Is the lost and sere lea

And you desire to shut your eyes

To dodge a sight of the dark skies…

During that somber season

When being has no reason,

When you are of all hope bereft

And inferred it’s high time you left…

If you will hold on, my friend,

It shall pass. It shall end.

And you shall in no time discover:

Seasons do not endure forever.

None knows what morrow brings

Either happy or sad strings.

Lose not hope, for some music sweet

It might be, that will your ears greet.

Drift, twirl, drift, twirl and twirl,

Shift, swirl, shift, swirl, and whirl;

Such is the true motion of life

Such is life’s ever-changing fife.

Thank you for reading.



Williams Oladele
Writer for

Creative writer by passion, digital consultant by choice. I help individuals and businesses to find and amplify their unique voice. olaidozen.com.ng/blog.