"A man representing emotional flexibility — the ability to find peace and strength amid chaos."
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Mastering Emotional Flexibility: The Secret Skill Of Every Successful Person

Muhammad Hassan Asif
Published in
3 min read6 days ago


Emotional flexibility has become an important skill for dealing with challenges in today's unpredictable world.

This psychological trait refers to the ability to adapt one’s emotional responses to various situations, ensuring resilience and mental well-being.

Emotional flexibility not only helps in maintaining balance during difficult times but also enables personal growth, enhancing success in both personal and professional levels.


The capacity to manage the emotions correctly, according to the circumstances, responding thoughtfully rather than impulsively is emotional flexibility.

Why Emotional Flexibility is Important:

1-Improved Mental Health:

Emotionally flexible individuals always have positive mental state and they suffer less anxiety and depression because they can manage their emotional responses to avoid negative states.

2-Better Decision-Making:

With this ability people can make helpful and worthy decisions even in the stressful situations.

Emotional flexibility allows the person to see the same problem from multiple prospectives calmly.

3-Enhances Relationships:

People with the emotional flexibility are very calm, empathetic and have an understanding behavior that leads to their healthier relationships with other people

4- Increases Resilience:

Emotionally flexible people bounces back more fast from the setbacks, and learn some valuable lessons in this process.

People Who Became Successful In Their Lives By Practicing Emotional Flexibility:

1- Steve Jobs:

Sir Steve Jobs ( image source Pinterest)

Sir Steve jobs who is well known for His passion and vision, also practiced emotional flexibility in his real life circumstances.

When he was fired by APPLE the company he co-founded, instead of being emotionally captured by his defeat, he channeled his emotions into more handwork and creativity.

This time he founded NeXT and led Pixar successfully and ultimately made a stronger comeback in APPLE company and revolutionized tech industry.

His ability to stay calm and manage his emotional responses made him stronger in the most challenging and hard time of his.

2- Nelson Mandela:

Sir Nelson Mandela ( image source Pinterest)

Nelson Mandela demonstrated a very crucial emotional flexibility in his political journey from being a political prisoner to president of south Africa.

Despite spending 27 years in the jail he controlled his anger , he chose forgiveness and reconciliation instead of revenge that helped him to lead his country.

He got the international respect and honor by sorting out the racism in his country and making a peaceful transition.

How to Cultivate Emotional Flexibility

  • Practice Self-Awareness: Regularly self-observe your emotions and reactions. Do practice mindfulness and try to react calmly instead of reacting impulsively.
  • Embrace Change: Learn to see change in life circumstances as an opportunity rather than a threat. Flexibility requires you to being in comfort with uncertainty
  • Manage Stress: techniques like deep breathing and meditation can help in managing stress and can also improve your emotional responses in tough times.
  • Seek Feedback: Seek the feedback from other people about your behavior that how they feel about your responses, behavior and emotions. This technique can help you improve your emotional flexibility a lot.


Emotional flexibility is a skill that can help you to transform your life.

Whether you’re facing personal setbacks, professional hurdles, simply the day-to-day stresses of life, mastering this skill enables you to stay calm and grow from challenges.

Developing this skill will not only lead you to a stress free life but also help you gain your lifelong success as we above studied in the case of Steve Jobs and Nelson Mandela.


“I am not a saint, unless you think of a saint as a sinner who keeps on trying.”



Muhammad Hassan Asif
Writer for

I try to express my thoughts in much simple and easy to understand words.