Nature and man

A harmonious relationship is worth cherishing

2 min readAug 1, 2024


Photo by Ksenija Lucija Pataran on Unsplash

Clouds grey and pink hovering above, with approbation

At the medley of flowers bearing the universal names,

Stellar beauty of fresh grass, vines, plants and trees

Silently witness the throbbing life in countless hearts,

Beating rhythmically in the bodies of humans on this planet.

Leaves with tints of green, yellow and brownish red,

Swaying to the musical symphony of blowing breeze,

Songs of cuckoos in shrill, melodious voice,

Surpassing all other sounds by the incredible intensity,

Twittering of birds, buzzing of insects, frisky squirrels,

Ecstasy of jovial children enrich the spirit of merriment .

The milieu reflects a contemplative, somber mood as well,

Discourses on pensive, frivolous or random topics,

Set life in motion, forging new soulful connections,

In a a backdrop of harmony between man and nature.

The universe fabricates a mellow effect,

That drowns all the complaints and rancour,

Soothes the creases of the brooding foreheads.

The languish air laden with spring fragrances,

Whispers sweet notes, captivates the minds of

The chosen ones with an inner urge to shine,

Grow and glow in the lap of magical nature.




I write to share my thoughts that are based on my personal experiences as I find it therapeutic for myself.