Rebirth of Life through Death

The Pain, Growth and Becoming More

Olateju Oluwatomisin
3 min readJun 15, 2024


Photo by Stefano Pollio on Unsplash

All transformations are rooted in death. To live is to undergo and complete a different cycle of life and death. People often struggle with the concept and reality of death, associating it with fear and terror.

They perceive death as the destroyer of pleasure and the harbinger of sorrow and finality. Well, that’s true in part. Losing a loved one isn’t a joke. The reality of such an experience is frightening. However, with proper guidance, people can navigate grief without losing themselves.

The Figurative and Necessary Death

More often than not, our inability to facilitate the death of some parts keeps us standing still. We have to be willing to die to sustain our ability to truly live.
Death doesn’t necessarily mean ceasing to exist; it often signifies a transformation from one plane of existence to another. It marks both an end and a new beginning.

The point of existence is not predicated on never dying but on the continuous revival of the whole through the death of some part.

A seed dies upon entering the dark underbelly of the ground. In the darkness, it rotted, split open, and came back to life and became the source of life— becoming more than what it used to be.

Photo by Anastasiya Romanova on Unsplash

He who never dies never truly lives.

The pain or cost of death is excruciating, but more excruciating is the pain and regret of not growing. Never knowing what you could be if you had embraced the death of some part of you to nourish the whole.

Death is fundamental to life, and so is pain. Just as time is measured in seconds, electricity in watts, and power in joules, pain is the metric by which we measure the cost of transformation.

Pain often accompanies significant change because it signifies the shedding of old habits, beliefs, and parts of ourselves that no longer serve our growth.

For instance, consider the process of physical training: the pain of exercise is necessary for building strength and endurance. Similarly, emotional or psychological pain is often a precursor to profound personal growth.

Our endurance and understanding of this pain allow us to be reborn into stronger, wiser, and more resilient versions of ourselves.


Pain is necessary for rebirth. That’s why you need to be willing to put up with the pain of existence and persevere through it all. So that you can reap its benefits and become all that you’re destined to be and more.

Photo by Suzanne D. Williams on Unsplash

Your future self is the sum of your current and past selves. It is not the time that matters, but what you do in those times. If you endure the fire of self-discipline and practice self-restraint, your future self will be better at avoiding temptations, delaying gratifications, and eventually becoming your best self.

All you can do is create a space for transformation to happen—Eckhart Tolle

It all starts today— what would you do? Sacrifice the death of your weak self for the reincarnation of your best self.

The choice is yours. Today. Everyday. And every moment of your existence. Choose wisely.

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Sending Love ❤️ 💖



Olateju Oluwatomisin
Writer for

I'm a Writer and advocate for mental Health and menstrual health.