
The Art of Dying Before Death | TF Journey

Nobody can run away from Death and The art of dying before death



Photo by imustbedead from Pexels

“What did I see? Amorphous….Oh no Oh no
I don’t wanna see the reflection of myself

Stop it I said, and I ran away
Ran away to the comfort of Maya.”

~ Author

We all ran away when the radiant one called us from within.

The separate self runs away for many years because it feels as if it has lost something. That’s true that we’ve lost something that we once had but it has nothing to do with the outside things.

Personally, I also ran away because I was searching in the hope of finding an answer or solution that finally would solve all my problems while ignoring cliches.

“The truth is we’re oblivious to the obvious.”

The last destination where the separate self finally stops running away is death. Death is the end of separation consciousness. People can hide away from living a life or from opening their hearts to love but one thing is for sure no one can escape away from the clutches of death.

Life’s destiny is death. But what is death and its relationship with ourselves?

Imagine the separate self as a balloon and infinite consciousness as an air in it. Most people identify with the separate self (balloon), unaware that they’re an infinite consciousness (air) in it. ~ Author

So once their existence balloon pops up (death) that’s the end of their life. It’s true in one sense if I bring the teaching at a bit low level of understanding. Death indeed ends the illusion of a separate self.

But if we go back to the highest understanding of non-duality spiritual teachings, then we the infinite consciousness once released from the separate self balloon exist as a formless awareness without the container of finite mind and body form.

“I am the bird of the spiritual Garden,
not of this world of dust; for a few days,
they have a cage of my body made.”


Upon death, the infinite consciousness becomes free from the finite separate self-limitation. It becomes pure awareness. There is a great lesson in this analogy.

Death only strips away your identity and attachments.

That’s why spirit guides come into our lives to teach us to “Die before die”. Do not become a collector of identities and things that attach you to the Maya.

Leave all that which is ephemeral and behold the eternal one.

You came naked and you’ll go naked. When I say nakedness it doesn’t mean the body’s nakedness, it means the formless awareness.

The death of the mind will be your rebirth.

That which nature bestowed us Homo Sapiens with the greatest gift is in the most need to be surrendered.

The mind obscures the radiance of the Infinite Presence

It fragments reality and breaks down reality to control the narrative of what’s happening each moment, hence giving you the filtered version of reality. The mind uses many reasonings or rationalisations to block the heart chakra from fully opening.

The reason must be let go if you want to experience love. There is no reason to love a person from a different continent and of course, there is no reason to love me.

Love must encompass reasoning, if not then one day we can reason ourselves out to not love someone. Living with a person or not is something else but love shouldn’t decrease.

Love neither increases nor decreases, how can it be? It’s our being.

Since we share the same being, even if we’re criticising someone we remind them that I love you deeply then you can say what’s bothering you. You and I share the same being so we honour that every time we interact.

When you’re looking at a tree, it’s actually you. Don’t be stuck by the outer form. See the inherent formless awareness in everything.

Even Yeshua teaches this to his selective disciples.

“Split a piece of wood; I am there. Lift up the stone, and you will find me there” (Gospel of Thomas, 77).*

If you’re starting with this reality of Oneness then this saying of Rumi might be helpful.

Wherever you stand, be the soul of that place. Rumi

Once you’ve transcended that you’re the body and the mind then you’ve become eternal. You’re the unborn and undying soul. That’s being Meditative.

Meditation gives us a glimpse of the death and grave. Death will take away all the outer senses and only that which is eternal shall exist.

Meditation is the practice of dying consciously unlike sleep.

Let’s say you’re dead, someone cusses you. Would you reply to them, No? Cause you’re lying there like a corpse. So it’s the death of the mind that gets agitated at petty things.

So Meditation teaches us to be silent and still and that’ll take us to the radiant one inside ourselves and it’s none other than God-consciousness. If not then death will take you to the lord anyway but probably going to send you back to this school (Earth) to learn to die before dying.

Death is a continuation of my life without me. Jean-Paul Sartre

Let’s get a bit in advance:

So we’ve learned that if you exist, you’ll die. If you don’t exist you’ll not die. God-consciousness doesn’t exist as a form so it doesn’t die. That which exists will sooner taste the death.

Zen says that there is nobody to die. If you don’t exist then sure death can’t take away anything from you and life can’t give you anything. This way you transcend the duality of life and death. That’s how one becomes immortal by realizing one has never been born and never dies. One just is.


I’m writing for people who are in the final stages of soul development.

In order to understand these teachings one has to have inner senses. Each of our senses has inward functions too. Religious books say “We’ve given ears, but they don’t hear”. Perhaps, human beings only learn through pain and suffering. I know that first-hand.

Gemini May: She’s a wonderful person and also writes on quite similar topics to mine with her unique perspective. Check her interesting post related to the Ego death et al.

