Writing and AI
Something Good Came From AI Comments
I recognized the truth
Have you ever felt little nudges from the Universe, telling you to steer in a certain direction or away from another? This is my experience at present. There’s a tap tapping, like a tiny bird at my window trying to get in. It’s a message I ought to hear about positivity.
I’m a terrific fan of looking on the bright side. If you met my offline pals, they would soon tell you I’m a glass-half-full person, not someone who dwells in negativity. Lately, though, the immense advancement of AI intrusions into my world as a writer has unsettled me.
I pointed out the ills of writing AI comments, among other things. I wasn’t wrong. Indeed, they can be boring, full of fluff, or nonsensical.
Occasionally, they are well-considered and it’s hard to tell them apart from genuine human responses to articles.
I suspect several of my interactions to be with AI rather than actual writers.
Most AI responses, nonetheless, are easy to see.
Today, the Universe, or teeny bird at the window, sent me the message to seek what’s good in the situation.
It wasn’t as difficult as I imagined.