Stop Waiting and Start Receiving

Here’s how to gain momentum

✨ Bridget Webber


A woman hands you a bouquet of colorful flowers
Photo by Zoe Schaeffer on Unsplash

You’ve got to admit waiting doesn’t feel terrific — not when it’s fruitless. When you’re waiting for something good to come along, like love, abundance, or success, you are in limbo. You know what you want, but you’re in a state of not getting it.

Maybe your best job, relationship, or idea is just around the corner. You can’t see it yet or taste or touch it. You recognize it’s coming. However, you’re conscious of waiting and not receiving.

I can’t count the times close friends tell me they are waiting for love. For example, Lin wanted to meet her soulmate. She talked about everything she’d do when they were finally together.

They would travel to the Bahamas and sit on the golden sands, sipping cocktails. They’d have cozy nights together watching movies by the fireside. The time they shared would be fantastic.

However, Lin had gotten so used to waiting that she was stuck. She believed her fantasies were beautiful dreams that couldn’t come true, and I could see why.

Unless she stopped waiting and started receiving, everything would stay the same. Instead of going out, trying new things, and meeting people, she followed the same routine, clung to the same haunts, and met up with the same people.



✨ Bridget Webber

Former counselor. Spiritual growth, compassion, mindfulness, creativity, and psychology. Support me at