The Breakneck Life


1 min readAug 7, 2024


Image by Kunj Parekh on Unsplash

Days slipping away like hours,

Life goes by too fast, noisy and chaotic;

Continuing on at a whirlwind pace,

Like a brisk wind that ruffles your serenity;

Time isn’t on your side, going by in a flash;

Life on autopilot; yearns to seize the day,

The madness of time, The tyranny of clock;

From dawn to dusk; Try and keep up, can you?

You struggle to tame a wandering mind;

Yet this heart of yours remained eerily quiet,

Sitting in stillness, the screaming silence;

Let him talk! Hear him out! Listen to his side!

Relentlessly prosaic! Not you were born for;

The voracious appetite for chaos; let it die!

Life lasts, but for a fleeting moment;

Would you rather live a little or go out of tune?

Thank you for reading.




Strayed but not lost. Navigating the world of writing as a novice.