The Power in the Words You Tell Yourself

Let go of those limiting beliefs

Dr. Tracy Davis


Scrabble letters that say You Choose Your Words
Photo by Brett Jordan on Unsplash

3 years ago I got a tattoo with a heart that says “Enough” in my cursive writing on my wrist. It’s a reminder to myself and others that I am enough, though, at times, I’ve had trouble convincing myself.

Recently, I gave a speech at my Toastmasters meeting about finding my voice. I talked about my struggles with anxiety and that imposter syndrome always lurking over my shoulder whispering negative thoughts that contradicted the reality I was living in.

Afterward, someone said they were surprised to hear that I struggle with that because it doesn’t come across that way on the outside. They asked if people had put me down or if I had specific instances that left me feeling that way.

The truth is, I’ve mostly had supportive environments where peers, colleagues, and mentors have believed in me and encouraged me and gave me space to fail and grow. So the real culprit is myself and my own ego.

However, if I dig deep into my childhood, I can identify specific moments where I “felt” less than, even if those weren’t the words used. So these emotions run deep. And I’m doing the work to release it, which I’ll save for another story.



Dr. Tracy Davis
Writer for

Doctorate in Educational Leadership Multipassionate, Energy Healing, Productivity, Travel, and Personal Development.