Women, Always Remember: You Come First

Twin flames is a path to experiencing your true self.

Yolk Gemini
3 min readJul 16, 2024


Photo by Christopher Campbell on Unsplash

Recently, I have found that many people are asking me about twin flames.

In my group, this topic has sparked a lot of discussions.

Actually, I have said many times that a person is very lonely in this world.

Therefore, we need to enter a relationship to establish our identity.

For people, the most important relationship is with their significant other.

This is the person you will grow with in the future, the one you look forward to creating new life with.

The so-called success and financial freedom we pursue are, in essence, to make life simpler.

Both men and women need to be aware of this.

Especially for spiritually advanced women, don’t think about finding someone to love you.

The premise is that you must love yourself first.

Otherwise, you will easily be attracted to ordinary men and end up getting hurt.

Some people may meet someone who seems nice, with a good income and status.

But in the end, you might be emotionally manipulated (PUA) by them and feel rejected in the relationship.

Such results often lead to emptiness, and you have to start over again.

This issue is not just about secular dating, but involves deeper self-awareness and growth.

In a relationship, we need to learn to see our lessons through the other person and grow together.

This is very important.

If your relationship cannot help you grow, the result can only be an end.

You have learned nothing from this relationship, only how to please others.

When a relationship ends, whether you are the victim or you think you are the strong one,

If you have not learned anything, have not experienced your identity, have not loved the other person, and have not been loved by them,

Then you will enter the next relationship, trying to solve the problem by changing partners.

But if you have not grown and changed, you will again fall into a wrong relationship, repeating the previous lessons.

Therefore, women especially need to pay attention to this point, don’t look for spiritually advanced people.

Instead, believe that everything external is your projection.

If you have an ideal image in your heart, then this person will appear in front of you inexplicably.

Your meeting is absolutely unintentional, but natural, attracted by you.

In short, a correct relationship should be one where you grow together, support each other, and not one where one party constantly pleases the other.

Only by finding your identity in a relationship, truly loving and being loved by the other person, can you grow and be satisfied.

I hope everyone can seriously consider this issue and find a relationship that truly suits them.

Thank you for reading.



Yolk Gemini

Editor of Twin Flame. I share my twin flame experiences and the messages I've received here. My mission is to convey these most sincere messages and share love.