You Will Never Fall In Love Again When You Truly Love Yourself

A ā€˜rudeā€™ spiritual awakening



A smart-looking blonde woman
Photo by Alessio Cesario on Pexels

ā€œYou will never fall in love again when you truly love yourself.ā€

Does that sound strange?

I stumbled upon a philosophy video on YouTube. This is its explanation in summary.

Love in the worldly sense is an act of exchange. Your love is an exchange with another person for mutual benefits, which is to form a partnership for a more fulfilling life.

Thereā€™s nothing wrong with this and this is not a bad thing.

We all want that a more ā€˜fulfilling lifeā€™. You need the cooperation of another person to achieve what you want in the society. This is a reality of life in the complex adult world.

Some may never fall in love again after realizing this harsh truth. The one you ā€˜thinkā€™ you love is the image conjure up in your own mind, which may not be their real authentic person. They are there to fulfill your personal needs or desires.

The one you truly love is yourself, not the other party.

All those Hollywood movies are just the fantasy created to fulfill the emotional needs of the masses. The ā€˜sleepingā€™ masses that accounts for 99% of the world population. Only the 1% who have awakened and saw the reality of this world.

This 1% leverage the weakness of the emotional masses to their advantage. They make their fortune out of it. This 1% do not want to wake them up so that they can continue to exploit their fortune out of them.

Scary! Right?

But this is not far from the truth. According to a 2023 Oxfam study, the worldā€™s richest 1% took almost ā…” of all the new wealth created since 2020.

This is what he says about the purpose of life

Our journey here on earth is to learn what we need to learn, to refine our souls, and to be our better ā€˜selfā€™. So that when we die we are the more refined souls.

By overcoming the many challenges in the world we become the better self each time.

Everyone is on a different path in their spiritual journey. Therefore, we all have different life problems and challenges throughout the whole life.

A soulful eyes
Photo by Alexander Krivitskiy on Pexels

You need to ā€˜refineā€™ your heart. Your heart is where your spirit lives. If your heart is healthy, you will have a cheerful heart filled with gratitude and joy.

It all comes from within.

When you take care of your heart, you can control your emotions. You will no longer be bothered by the external world anymore. Your happiness is no longer at the mercy of what is going on in your environment.

Thatā€™s the time when you will say, ā€˜I chose happiness!ā€™. This is often easier to say than done. It is tough especially when youā€™re being provoked. I can fully understand your frustration.

But when you are determined and perseverant, keep practicing with conscious efforts, you will get there one day.

I have been there and done that, too many times.

We are the ā€˜lead actorsā€™ in our lives. All the other people are supportive actors helping us to achieve our mission in this movie called ā€˜Lifeā€™. The purpose of life is to love yourself and be the best version of yourself.

Have you been a good actor in your life?

If youā€™ve not been, It is never too late to start now. Do not wait till the last moment to awaken to this reality.

Parting words

What do you think?

Obviously, he is not talking about unconditional love here. We are prosocial creatures and do it for the common good. Perhaps it is a matter of looking at it positively or negatively.

But being positive is always better, isnā€™t it? Being too ā€˜awakeā€™ or crystal clear about everything may not serve us well ā€” imperfection is life. Do you agree?



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