Your Story Matters 🤗— $100 Writing Contest at Be Unlimited Hub Tribe

Be the light for those who are eagerly seeking hope…

Emy Knazovic
Published in
4 min readJun 13, 2024


***Updated June 28***

SPIRITUALITY | AWAKENING | LIFE LESSONS Your Story Matters 🤗- $100 Writing Contest at Be Unlimited Hub Tribe Be the light for those who are eagerly seeking hope…https://medium.com/@emyknazovic
Created by Author via hotpot.ai and canva.com

Have you ever experienced a truly magnificent transformation in your life?

If so, this message will inspire you to become a part of creating magic in the world…

Your story has the power to change lives. It can inspire those who are in the midst of suffering, feeling lost, and trying to understand why they are facing such messy and challenging experiences right now.

When I was suicidal, I would search the internet desperately for a solution, some glimmer of hope, that there was a way out of my misery.

When I felt lost and depressed, I sought out stories of amazing people who had gone through similar experiences. Their words inspired me to keep going.

After my divorce, I read countless articles on how to cope with the loss, grief, and pain, and how to overcome that painful and challenging time.

People need to hear your story — you can save lives.

No matter what type of revelation you’ve had, you…



Emy Knazovic
Editor for

Editor at Be Unlimited Hub | I Write To Challenge Your Mind & Soul | Spirituality, Mindfulness, Psychology, Writing, Self Improvement, Master Coach