Weekly Media Diet

Shannon Burke
Published in
2 min readOct 7, 2018

After one week of tracking my own media usage, I learned a lot about myself and the way that I choose to communicate with the world around me. I was not surprised to see that Snapchat consumed the most hours of my week compared to any other social media platform. I personally prefer to communicate with others through Snapchat because I believe it always for the most authentic form of electronic communication. I believe this because snapchat allows users to show their emotions through a photo rather than just reading raw text.

I was also not surprised how often I use Facebook. This social network is coming back strong. Facebook is an excellent tool that I use for advertising my business. Many of the jobs we do for other companies as well as individual consumers come from recognition on Facebook. I find that there is also a lot of interesting content on Facebook because it is a very opinion based network. I find it more interesting to read content from people I care about rather than to read a newspaper or magazine. When I read what my friends and family post about, I get to learn more about them and their passions which is something I value.

Twitter and texting were my least used platforms during the given week I collected data. However, I think that all of my data accurately reflects the way I use media every week. I have begun to use Twitter less in the recent years because the social media world seems to be transitioning back to Facebook. I prefer to read my Twitter feed when I am looking for short and quick content since Twitter places a limit on the amount of characters you can have in a tweet. I also turn to Twitter for inspiration sometimes. Many of my friend’s post uplifting quotes on Twitter which I sometimes need in my life as I progress through college. My hours texting during the week are typically only messages to my parents or clients. This seems to be a much more effective way to deal with clients rather than sending emails back and forth. The main theme among all these applications that I use is that they give me instant gratification which serves as a good thing and a bad thing sometimes. After looking at the amount of hours I am spending on my phone, it appears I need to adjust my lifestyle and take some time off screen.

