Serverless JavaScript, OMG

Burke Holland
Burke Knows Words
Published in
2 min readOct 11, 2017

One of the great things about having kids (other than projecting all of your guilt and inadequacies on to them) is getting to hear them learn to speak and then say some utterly ridiculous things. This is usually because they either misunderstand words or completely miss context.

I have 3 children: Bryn, Cade and Drew. My wife and I wrote down some of the things they said over the years. Here are some of the more nonsensical conversations that I’ve had to participate in.

”You don’t do things that are already invented. You do things that aren’t invented.”

Bryn — on his idea to start his own business

Drew- “I want to get a master’s degree.”
Mom- “In what?”
Drew- “Either in engineering or how to become president.”

Drew: “Stop screaming at me!”
Dad: “I didn’t scream. I just asked if you did your homework…”

Cade- “ I think I lost 20 dollars.”
Dad — “was it a $20 bill?”
Cade — “no, I think it was like a 10 and an 8 and 2 ones.”

“If I was steak, I would go to an amusement park and ride all the rides. And then, if they told me I was too short, I would eat myself and become twice as big.”

I’m fascinated by the degree to which my kids murder logic and language, but I think it speaks volumes about how easy it is for us to screw up simple concepts.

We do this ALL THE TIME in tech. We name things (and you know what they say about naming things) and then we proceed to misunderstand, misuse and then market these things and suddenly they have no meaning at all.

Serverless JavaScript, OMG

I’ve been putting together a new presentation called “Serverless JavaScript, OMG”. Or alternately, “What is Serverless and Who Gives A Crap?”

Serverless is a powerful technology but it’s shrouded in misunderstanding and bad technical marketing. I hope that this presentation clears some of that up for you. Or it’s just more misuse and bad marketing. You decide!

You won’t be able to view the examples, but checkout if this presentation so moves you to try Serverless for yourself.



Burke Holland
Burke Knows Words

Pretty fly for a bald guy. Hacking on Azure at Microsoft.