Benefits of the sharing economy for construction pros

Brig Ricks
Published in
2 min readMar 3, 2019


The sharing economy is an economic model where people can borrow or rent assets owned by someone else. Underutilized assets are then being used more often, thereby increasing the utilization. In the construction industry, equipment sits idle and underutilized 70% of the time.

Burly is part of the B2B sharing economy where construction companies can increase the ROI of their idle equipment by renting it to others. As a construction company, big or small, you have a lot to benefit from sharing. Here are two advantages of specific interest to you.

You make a sustainable contribution

Sustainable development is a development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. The core environmental benefit of B2B sharing is that a fully utilized product — one in continuous use — is more sustainably utilized product than one that lies unused for long periods. Fewer products are then needed, which has a positive effect on the environment.

Construction companies have become increasingly aware of the environmental and economic benefits of sustainable development. When communicated externally, your brand will benefit from the fact that you take part in the sharing economy.

You save money and make money

Idle and underutilized equipment costs you a lot of money. When equipment is not in use generating revenue, you still must pay for insurance, finance, taxes, maintenance and storage costs on it. By renting it, you significantly increase the ROI of that equipment and generate a new revenue stream for your business.

Burly is an online marketplace where you can rent your equipment to other construction professionals. Burly offers you access a wide potential end-market, marketing and promotion tools without any upfront costs, and guaranteed payment terms. Learn more at

