Book Review: “Think and Grow Rich” by Napoleon Hill

Eric Hulsizer
Burning Book Reviews
5 min readNov 12, 2023


“Think and Grow Rich” by Napoleon Hill is a classic self-help and personal development book that was first published in 1937. Hill’s work is widely considered one of the most influential success books of all time. The book is based on Hill’s study of successful individuals, including business magnates like Andrew Carnegie, and it distills their common principles into a philosophy of personal achievement. Below is a comprehensive summary of the key concepts and principles explored in “Think and Grow Rich.”

Introduction: The Power of Thought

Napoleon Hill begins “Think and Grow Rich” with a fundamental premise: the power of thought is the driving force behind all success. He asserts that individuals have the ability to shape their destinies through the mastery of their thoughts. The title itself emphasizes the central theme that wealth and success begin with a state of mind.

Chapter 1: Thoughts Are Things

Hill introduces the idea that thoughts possess a tangible energy that can influence one’s reality. He argues that thoughts can be transmuted into their financial equivalent through a combination of definiteness of purpose, desire, and belief. Hill emphasizes the importance of clarity and specificity in one’s goals.

