Your Name : An Anime Sensation

Burning Reels
Published in
4 min readDec 11, 2020

Your name premiered at the convention in Los Angels, California, on July 3, 2016, and in Japan on August 26, 2016. It was critically acclaimed for its animation, complex narrative, musical score, and emotional weight. The film was also a major commercial success, with a total gross of $358 million, becoming the highest grossing anime film and Japanese film of all time, the fourth highest grossing film in Japan, the ninth highest grossing traditionally, and the sixteenth highest grossing non-English film worldwide.

If you are an anime lover, I can safely assume that you are already familiar with Makoto Shinkai’s piece of art “Your Name”. I was never into anime movies to be honest .Watching anime series with 12–24 episodes was my casual way to get out of the tiring daily life. Your Name resonated with Japanese viewers as well as general audience all around the world deeply, and it appears set to become the defining film of the decade, not just financially but also in a more meaningful cultural sense. Your name puts emphasis on youthfulness not only from the display point of view but also from the awesome music collection by Radwimps.

Now if you ask me, was there any spiritual sense involved? Yes, there was. Did I enjoy the movie? YEP. I always sought out for animes with romance, action with a bit of fictional edge to it. Your Name is a tale where determination triumphs over distance and time, one that reminds audiences that not all dreams necessarily are doomed to fail or obscurity.

Now the movie also has some fictional logic into it regarding many details. Imagining a comet of that size only doing that small amount of damage, meeting someone who is two years ahead of you in the future, switching bodies with opposite gender? Scientifically impossible, but hey its anime, and that fictional part of it is what we love.

The movie introduces us to the lives of Taki, a seventeen-year-old architecture student living in Tokyo, and Mitsuha a seventeen-year-old girl living in the countryside. One lives in the countryside, while the other lives in the luxurious and grand Tokyo. Mitsuha is bored of life in her lovely, but tiny town. She rues the predictability of her life in the small town and longs to escape to Tokyo someday.

Next morning what happens? Yes, the body swap.

It all starts with a beautiful scene of a comet.

Taki and Mitsuha wakes up in each other’s bodies and both have different reactions. Mitsuha is gobsmacked by the Tokyo scenery that she sees. Youth’s curiosity towards new things and the desire to explore the unknown sets in and both try to maintain their lives. Through smartphones or other means of communication, they’re able leave each other messages so one of them can pick up where the other left off on the previous day. Thus, Taki goes on a date that Mitsuha arranged while in his body, while Mitsuha has to bear the consequences of Taki’s more assertive outbursts while he’s in her body.

Eventually they stop swapping bodies which leads our protagonists to crave for each other’s warm company. We regret some decisions. Rest of the story is for you guys to discover as I assume you should be interested in it now.

Overall I loved Your Name; it made me laugh, its original writing felt charming, and I was brought to tears on more than one occasion. Your Name has to deal with the prejudice that the majority of cinemagoers may have against anime and animated films that these films are just for kids. They aren’t, and you will have an emotionally enriching experience and vast feeling storm after watching Your Name.

Ending in itself is not explained properly but it does not put out the flame that the whole storyline let alight. The whole scenario is so relatable to our day to day lives. Not being satisfied by the things that we have and always wandering around for something more, something unique. Curiosity kills the cat ,many have heard that tale but ,in the end you are the cat itself even if it’s only for the sake of it or for the adrenaline rush you feel from it.

Hope you have a blast enjoying the movie and if you have already watched it and can relate to it, Yea that is what the movie made us feel didn’t it?

P.S. : Go watch it if you still have not. NOT KIDDING.

