Reading List

Murtaza Tunio
Published in
1 min readDec 27, 2017

A running list of books and articles I found interesting

  • When Einstein Walked with Godel — Jim Holt
  • Remembrance of Earth’s Past — Liu Cixin
  • Strangers to Ourselves — Timothy Wilson
  • The Hour Between Dog and Wolf — John H. Coates
  • Godel, Escher, Bach: an Eternal Golden Braid — Douglas Hofstadter
  • Dynamics of Complex Systems — Yaneer Bar -Yam
  • Antifragile: Things That Gain from Disorder— Nassim Nicholas Taleb
  • General System Theory — Ludwig Ludwig von Bertalanffy
  • Fooled by Randomness — Nassim Nicholas Taleb
  • The Logic of Scientific Discovery — Karl Popper
  • Bursts — Albert Laszlo Barabasi
  • Linked — Albert Laszlo Barabasi
  • Chaos — James Gleick
  • Programming Collective Intelligence — Toby Segaran
  • A Random Walk Down Wall Street — Burton G. Malkiel
  • Dreams of a Final Theory — Steven Weinberg
  • Nonlinear Dynamics and Chaos — Steven Stogratz
  • Quantum Computing Since Democritus — Scott Aaronson
  • The principles of collective animal behaviour — D.J.T. Sumpter
  • Complex Adaptive Systems — Miller and Page

