How to contribute / share a testimonial?

A short guide to help you share your voice on our platform dedicated to burnout and its healing process.


“How should I write my testimonial?”

There is no good way of writing your testimonial.

We don’t want to drive your writing in any way, nor do we require the right to any validation: your testimonial is entirely yours and should remain as such. The most important for us is that you come up with something you are 100% comfortable with, which matches your point of view and contains only what you wish it to contain. We leave it entirely up to you, anyone should be free to express themselves as they want.

You should feel free in your writing. We are not looking for the next literature award here. Testimonials should be true to their authors. Our publication platform’s purpose is to help contributors climb a new step in their healing process, and offering freedom of expression in a free, neutral, inclusive and benevolent environment is our main objective.

Nevertheless, if you experience trouble while designing your story, here are a few questions that may give you some leads. You can draw inspiration from them or answer them as if you were being interviewed.

  • What is your personal experience of burnout? What is your own description of this syndrome?
  • Where do you locate yourself on the burnout scale?
  • Which are the boxes you tick among our 12 red flags?
  • When exactly did you acknowledge that you were burning yourself out? Was there any triggering event or element?
  • How long do you think you have been burnt out?
  • What is your position today? In a company, organisation?
  • How do you link your malaise to your company, position, projects, responsibilities?
  • What were the immediate consequences of burning out on your work, your daily life? How did your life change (be it good or bad)?
  • How did your family or surroundings reacted?
  • Today, how different is your life? Do you still work? At the same position, in the same company?
  • What is your progress into your healing process? Did you seek help from the medical world? Today, do you miss any medical help that you couldn’t seek?
  • What did help your recovery? What pieces of advice would you give to people in the same situation?

Anonymous or not?

Everything is possible. It’s only up to you!

We chose Medium as a publication platform. Here are the possibilities that we have today to publish your testimonial, just tell us what suits you best!

Absolute anonymity :

We will publish your testimonial without name or identifiable elements, under our Medium account “Burnout: let’s reignite the flame”. Your identity will not be disclosed and you can dismiss personal details from your story.

Partial anonymity :

You can create a Medium account with a pseudonym, publish your story with it and we will add it in our publication.

Signed publication :

You can create a Medium account under your name and identity, publish your testimonial with it and submit it to our publication.

Link :

If your testimonial has already been published on another website or platform, we can create a story and link it to yours.

Need help ?

Please contact us!

Medium: Marie-Cécile Paccard, Goulven CHAMPENOIS




Marie-Cécile Godwin Paccard
Burnout: let’s reignite the flame

UX Designer, facilitator, speaker. Let's talk about inclusive design, society, ethics, collapse and burnout - author on @guerirleburnout @commonfutures #FR #EN