A Moment of Gratitude with BrandBurp’s #Shukrana2020 Campaign

Akansha Pandey
Burp Life
Published in
4 min readJan 14, 2021
#Shukrana2020 with influencers

What is the first thing that comes to your mind when you hear the word “2020”? Is it the endless nights of insomnia or the fear of losing your loved ones, being restricted at home, or not meeting friends and family for months? Whatever it might be, the feeling is inevitable. The feeling is mutual for most people.

The year 2020 might have taken a toll on people’s lives, but it has also been a year of self-realization, a year of understanding your family in a better way, a year of learning new things, and the list goes on and on. 2020 made people value little things, which they generally ignored.

BrandBurp understood the same and hence organized the #Shukrana2020 campaign in order to express gratitude for the “not so easy” year. The year gave bitter memories, unforgettable losses but not every action needs an opposite reaction. Sometimes all we need to do is say “thank you” and be grateful to the infinite lessons, exactly what the #Shukrana2020 campaign aimed at doing.

Why #Shukrana2020 Campaign?

The pandemic was nothing but a roller-coaster ride. Many lives were lost but many even got new meanings to their lives. People were laid off from their jobs but many found a purpose and their long lost passions.

The year altogether gave a new aspect to the existing lifestyle. It taught individuals a new meaning of life. Hence, the #Shukrana2020 campaign was organized by BrandBurp, a campaign so real and personal that influencers came in to show their support. BrandBurp, though a five-year-old brand values every situation, be it positive or negative.

From employees to customer reviews, every reaction is respected and taken care of. BrandBurp, infact, feels grateful to views shared as it motivates the team to do even better. #Shukrana2020 campaign is a small gesture to thank and praise 2020 for the good as well as the bitter memories. With the campaign, BrandBurp is trying to make people realize that nothing can stop them from moving forward.

The #Shukrana2020 Campaign and its Execution

The week-long campaign ensured that the year ends with positivity and with a better outlook towards the upcoming year 2021. Be it by sharing their story of how they overcame the pandemic and the crisis or encouraging people to think positively about the year 2021, influencers inspired people in all possible ways through this campaign.

Important Messages Shared by Influencers

Words have values, especially when they come from people who fought with the odds and saw positivity in the midst of a crisis. Exactly what influencers shared during the #Shukrana2020 campaign.

- “I am grateful that I survived, my family and my loved ones survived. The year also gave me a lot of family time, which I was missing for years. From watching movies with my parents to eating my mother’s delicacies, the year gave me innumerable memories and moments that I’d cherish forever.”

- “It was a year of tremendous growth and learning what’s important in life “family, health and simple things” that we often take for granted.”

- “Playing ludo and badminton with my father and cooking with my mother made our bond strong.”

- “The pandemic and its aftereffect made me value my family and friends even more.”

Gratitude Can Never be Overdone

Ever since we are born, we are taught to say ‘thank you’ even for the tiniest of things or gestures. It is something that can never be overdone. And especially for a year that has taught us so many things, gave so many important lessons, expressing gratitude was a must. The year 2020 was undoubtedly a year of personal growth and learning. It taught us how to not take things and people for granted. The year has hence given us all the reasons to be grateful for.

Therefore, expressing gratitude will only attract good energy to everybody’s lives. BrandBurp’s #Shukrana2020 campaign was nothing but a ray of hope for people who were still not able to get over the monotonous year. 2020 did bring out the worst but it also helped in bringing out the best and understanding this simple thing that we often take for granted “life”.

Things 2020 Taught Us

It is rightly said that every bad thing has a good side; and so was with 2020. Here is a list of values the year taught us:

- Be grateful if you have food to eat, a shelter to live in, your family with you, or if you are alive

- Value people before you lose them

- Be empathetic toward others

- Don’t take things for granted

- Love each other

- Be kind



Akansha Pandey
Burp Life

She loves to write about what she has learned in all these years in the industry. She thinks that knowledge should be shared with everyone.