Hello MVC 🌟

Derya Polat
Bursa Bilişim Topluluğu
3 min readMay 24, 2024

MVC is a design pattern frequently encountered in the world of software development. Design patterns are reusable solution templates that guide software developers in solving commonly encountered problems. These patterns make code more understandable, flexible, and easier to maintain, and they enforce adherence to a certain rule in the software development process.

MVC Design Pattern

The MVC design pattern organizes the code of a software application into three components called Model, View, and Controller. While the Model represents the data and business logic of the application, the View displays the user interface. The Controller manages user interaction and facilitates communication between the Model and the View.

Primary Purpose of MVC

The primary purpose is to make different layers of an application independent from each other to increase code reusability, maintainability, and extensibility. Additionally, this pattern supports parallel development processes, enabling software teams to work more efficiently together.

History of MVC 📚

This design pattern was first defined by Trygve Reenskaug in 1979. It was later introduced in the Smalltalk programming language in 1987 and formally acknowledged as a concept in an article in 1988.

In 2007, Microsoft introduced it as the ASP.NET MVC Framework. This framework provides a toolkit for implementing the MVC pattern in ASP.NET applications, allowing developers to develop web applications in a more organized and manageable way.

What is a Framework?

Frameworks are structural frameworks that provide developers with ready-made tools and libraries to facilitate tasks such as coding, database management, security, and user interface creation. These structures are designed to automate and standardize repetitive tasks in the software development process.

If we examine MVC in detail, which consists of the initials of the words Model-View-Controller:

The Model layer is where data is stored and access to the database is provided. Data operations occur here, representing concrete objects in the computer environment. For example, data such as a customer’s registration information is stored here.

The View layer is defined as the visual representation of the Model. The user sees the application in this layer. All user interface components are located here and are created using technologies such as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

The Controller layer manages the interaction between the Model and the View. It receives requests from the user, performs the necessary operations, and presents the results to the View, thus bridging the gap between the Model and the View, managing data operations and user interface management.

Advantages of MVC 🟩

  1. Design of Large-Scale Applications: MVC makes it easy to organize large-scale applications by separating the code into three levels. Dividing and organizing code for applications managed by large teams makes it easier to quickly find specific code sections and add new features.
  2. Supports Asynchronous Method Calls: Since the MVC architecture is compatible with JavaScript and frameworks, it supports Asynchronous Method Calls (AMI). This allows for the creation of web applications that can load more quickly. Supports operability on different platforms such as PDF files, site-specific browsers, and desktop widgets.
  3. Easy Editability: Thanks to the MVC model, changes made in one unit generally do not affect other units. For example, you can update the View without making any changes to the Controller and Model.
  4. Fast Development Process: The MVC design pattern allows multiple software developers to develop a project simultaneously.
  5. Facilitates Planning and Maintenance: The design pattern facilitates the planning process for the developer as a template example before the programming begins.
  6. Multiple Views: The MVC design pattern supports creating different views for your model.

Disadvantages of MVC 🟥

  1. Increased Number of Files: MVC requires each component to be stored in separate files. This can increase the number of files in the project and make project management more complex.
  2. Performance Issues: When used incorrectly or when overly layered structures are created, MVC applications can cause performance issues. Therefore, it is important to optimize the code.

