Let’s Create an MVC Project ✨

Derya Polat
Bursa Bilişim Topluluğu
4 min readMay 24, 2024

Before we move on to creating projects, let’s get to know ASP.NET MVC and ASP.NET Core MVC a little more:

⏩ ASP.NET MVC: It is a framework for developing web applications. This framework is designed to organize different parts of the application and make the code base more manageable. It provides developers with the flexibility to manage business logic, user interface, and user interactions as separate components. This modular structure enables easier maintenance, development, and extension of applications.

⏩ ASP.NET Core MVC: It is a modern and flexible web application framework developed by Microsoft on the .NET Core platform. Based on the Model-View-Controller (MVC) architecture, this framework organizes the application’s business logic, user interface, and user interactions as separate components. ASP.NET Core MVC stands out with its ability to work on various platforms, providing developers with flexibility in developing applications on different operating systems such as Linux, macOS, and Windows. Additionally, it offers advantages such as scalability, performance, and compliance with modern web standards, enabling developers to create fast, reliable, and powerful web applications.

Asp.NET MVC and Asp .NET Core MVC

After comparing the two frameworks, let’s start by creating a project with ASP.NET MVC as a priority.

🌟 Step 1: Open Visual Studio and select “Create a new project.”

🌟 Step 2: Choose “ASP.NET Web Application (.NET Framework)” on the opened screen.

🌟 Step 3: Specify the project name, location to save, solution name, and .NET Framework version to be used.

🌟 Step 4: Select MVC on the opened screen.

🌟🌟 Step 5: Now, an ASP.NET MVC project has been created.

🌟 Step 6: Right-click on the Controller folder in the Solution Explorer. Select Add -> Controller.

🌟 Step 7: Choose “MVC Controller Empty” on the opened screen.

🌟 Step 8: Give a name to the Controller to be created. Click “Add” to proceed.

🌟🌟 Step 9: Our controller with the default Index action is now created.

🌟 Step 10: Right-click on Index and select “Add View.”

🌟 Step 11: Choose “MVC View” option.

🌟 Step 12: Specify the properties of the view to be created and click “Add.”

🌟🌟 Step 13: Index View is now created.

🌟🌟🌟 Step 14: “Hello World”

In this article, I discussed how to create a project using the Asp.NET MVC framework. In my next article, I will explain the default folders that come with the project and their functions. I will also delve into the purposes of each feature entered on the screens.

I hope it has been helpful.

