Burst Insights selected in KPMG Shift 100

Burst Insights
Published in
2 min readMar 14, 2017
Original posted here: http://bit.ly/shift100burst

The Shift 100 has been created by KPMG to identify 100 businesses who have made an impact in their industries. Burst Insights are excited to have been selected in the top 50 within the marketing advertising and technology sector aka ‘Mad Tech’.

Bivek Sharma, head of KPMG Small Business Accounting had this to say:

“We’re super excited to be associated with the Shift 100, as our service is built around supporting innovative and ambitious small businesses as they scale up. There’s some fantastic firms listed, and it shows the sheer breadth and depth of the UK martech and adtech sectors.”

The companies selected were chosen by a panel led by Fresh Business Thinking group editor, Michael Baxter.

From the editors:

The Shift 100 has been put together to identify marketing and advertising technology entrepreneurs who are reinventing advertising and marketing in a digital world.

Technology is fundamentally reshaping the advertising and media industry. We live in a world in which media, advertising and technology, often referred to as “MAdTech”have collided, altering how consumers “consume” content.

The Shift 100 entrepreneurs are at the forefront of the industries revolutionary change; shifting gears to meet the higher expectations of the modern, empowered consumer with greater speed, flexibility and efficiency.

Michael Litman and Simon Bibby founded Burst Insights. This is Michael’s fourth video related business and has been at the forefront of technology trends and insights. Simon has over 15 years of experience in strategic communication and content roles.

Burst Insights provides engagement data and creative performance insight for brands looking to monetise their social presence in the video content space.

USP: Their platform and reporting data intelligence helps customers understand the performance of social video content to make more effective content while they have put a price on social video exposure value for the first time.

To view the full Shift 100, click here.



Burst Insights

Future of Commerce / Ad Strategy / Crypto & NFT / Brands / Tech