Published in
5 min readAug 18, 2021


BY Jerry McMiller, Washington DC, BUSA

Mrs. Alora Cromwell

McMILLER: What are your Main focuses?

CROMWELL: My main focuses right now, would be my re-election campaign, and trying to help BUSA stay above water for as long as I believe I can without straining myself mentally with school starting back and the various other groups I am in.

McMILLER: If you get elected what is the first thing you would do?

CROMWELL: If re-elected, I would introduce the necessary legislation to get our chambers running and more after that, reach across the isle in both houses of Congress to make sure we can meet a serious consensus for legislation that we all introduce, and only assuming that I was to get a leadership position, I want to try and get back to weekly to bi-weekly leadership meetings with the Executive branch so that I can make sure we are all on the same track.

McMILLER: Why should people elect you to the House of Representatives?

CROMWELL: I would say people should elect me to the House of Representatives because I am dedicated and I am here to express the voices who are not yet heard.

McMILLER: Is there anything you would like to tell our readers?

CROMWELL: I would like to tell the readers, that if they are a citizen and can vote on election day, then vote. Do not let anyone take their power away from them.

Mr. Keaton

McMILLER: What are your main focuses?

KEATON: My main focuses is to try to talk every BUSA citizen and Iowan living my district asking them about their problems and concerns. Last week was the 1 year anniversary of the devastating derecho that hit Midwest and left millions in my district and across the state without internet or power for days. As we are familiar with storms this was never expected and just happened. I believe climate change is an extreme threat to the United States and the world. We must pass climate change legislation to save the planet and prevent natural disasters that came out of no where from happening again. If that is eliminating coal and moving to cleaner solar panels then count me in. Reducing our carbon footprint and switching to greenhouse gases we can give a future for our children. Where they can live and grow. People say they don’t want to wear a mask beacuse of the virus. I fear Beacuse climate change is a threat beacuse climate change is a threat that if the air is toxic we might have to mask up to not get sick.

McMILLER: If you get elected what is the first thing you would do?

The first I’ll will do is to host as many town halls as possible. In congress. I will try to work with the new speaker and the president as well as the opposition to deliver for all the citizens. Bipartisanship is something I hope to do even though I identify as a progressive It’s never bad to compromise.

McMILLER: If you get elected what will your main goals be?

KEATON: Climate change, Education, and advancing social issues such race, gender, sexual orientation etc. The racist rhetoric in America has had enough. We need to teach our children (most particular those in secondary 6–12) to talk about the history of race in this country. I don’t believe it just African Americans, Asians, Latinos and especially Native Americans (Those who were here before us) and talk about the problems they faced. From slavery, war with Indigenous tribes, land being taken, segregation, Jim Crow, housing, or any from discrimination or racism should be address so we won’t see the same problems occur every year. Last year really made us really think twice about how we always looked at it. It’s time we take appropriate action.

McMILLER: Why should people elect you to the House of Representatives?

KEATON: I’m ambitious and never go down without a fight. This is something I’m very passionate in ( besides other hobbies such as acting performing, arts and singing microphone notes), and hope to make the world a better place.

McMILLER: Is there anything you would like to tell our readers?

KEATON: Please remember to vote. Follow my Twitter BUSA_keaton. If your interested don’t hesitate to reach to me and DM me. And I hope to represent you in congress.Why should people elect you to the House of Representatives?

Mr. Alfred Maverick

McMILLER: What are your main focuses?

MAVERICK: I would say keeping BUSA alive by fixing up the government since Trump shutdown the government. Also most of the Democratic leadership are leaving due to reasons.

McMILLER: If you get elected what is the first thing you would do?

MAVERICK: The first thing I would do is thinking of a key idea for legislation that benefits BUSA and it’s citizenry and then writing it and proposing it.

McMILLER: Why should people elect you to the House of Representatives?

MAVERICK: People should reelect me to the House of Representatives because I have voted to approve Democratic, AKIP and Republican bills which benefits BUSA like the Attorney General Nonpartisan Election Act, etc. Even though the Democrats don’t approve the opposition’s bills.

McMILLER: Is there anything you would like to tell our readers?

MAVERICK: I would like to say “If you are part of the BUSA citizenry, then vote to reelect Alfred Maverick!”

Mrs. Suzanne Somers

McMILLER: What are your main focuses?

SOMERS: My main goal, when elected, would be to implement progressive change and to be active in Congress

McMILLER: If you get elected what is the first thing you would do?

SOMERS: Once elected I’ll try to run for a leadership role in the House and begin to draft some bills

McMILLER: Is there anything you would like to tell our readers?

SOMERS: If you’ve read this I’m already at your house.

Mr. Kaleb Wright

Dr. Kaleb E. Wright is running for Senate. His goals:

1. Propose a 30 day plan to restore BUSA.
2. Fund President Trump’s border wall.
3. Establish citizenship committee to make mods fair.
4. Propose a family plan.
5. Establish BUSA university.


Article written by Jerey McMiller. All rights reserved.

