3 min readJul 4, 2021


Written by Adam Karlssoon

The BUSA Herald had the opportunity to attend the state visit between Poland (BRP) and Spain (BKS). The visit took place at the Presidential Palace in Warsaw (Poland).

Photo taken by: The BUSA Herald | All rights reserved.

After the arrival of Prince Louis representing Spain, the two governmental representatives took the traditional photos in front of the entrance of the Polish palace.

Photo taken by: The BUSA Herald | All rights reserved.

From right to left: Prince Louis of BKS, the President of BRP and the Prime Minister of BRP.

After the photos, they entered the palace where they sat down to discuss some topics of interest. They discussed dual citizenship and future alliances. Both agreed that BRP and BKS should have a strong alliance. It was not possible to go too much into these issues because in BKS it is the Prime Minister who has the power and the Royal Family is only symbolic.

Photo taken by: The BUSA Herald | All rights reserved.

After the meeting, the President of Poland and the Prime Minister, accompanied by the palace guards, toured the Spanish prince around the palace.

Photo taken by: The BUSA Herald | All rights reserved.

After the tour, they sat down for lunch. The food was delicious and everyone present was very happy.

Finally, the Prince and the President held a press conference. It was in that place where they said goodbye to each other. The prince returned to his country with his plane.

Photo taken by: The BUSA Herald | All rights reserved.

The Spanish Prime Minister is expected to visit Poland to discuss in more detail the future of both countries and Europe.

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