3 min readOct 7, 2021


By: BUSA Herald Europe

Braintree, Essex (Bloxburg United Kingdom) — Richard Thompson, former journalist and former CEO of the BUSA Herald, is the Chancellor of the Exchequer in the Bloxburg United Kingdom (2021). Thompson moved to the UK in the summer, and it was there where he began his career as a politician. He began his career as Advisor for Prime Minister Cameron. After that, he became a Member of Parliament for Braintree (Labour). When Donovan Moore became Prime Minister, Thompson was appointed Minister of State for Business and in September was promoted to Chancellor of the Exchequer.

Source: HM Treasury Bloxburg United Kingdom | BUSA HERALD | All rights reserved.

BUSA HERALD: Welcome back to the Herald, Thompson!

RICHARD THOMPSON: Thank you. It is a pleasure to be here. I still remember when I was the one doing the interviews here.

BUSA HERALD: When did you become interested in politics?

RICHARD THOMPSON: It started when I was a journalist, at the Herald. When you’re a journalist you’re always aware of what’s going on in politics. I guess after watching politicians for so long I wanted to become one of them and be able to contribute positively to the community.


RICHARD THOMPSON: Both nations are great. I had never been to BUK before. I wanted to start from zero. I wanted to contribute positively to this community. I thought about running in the BUSA congressional elections, but decided not to do so in the end. I feel more comfortable in BUK. The environment is more friendly.

BUSA HERALD: What is your greatest achievement as Chancellor of Exchequer?

RICHARD THOMPSON: The Treaty of London. I met with the Prime Minister to recommend a trade agreement between the UK and Poland. He suggested adding Germany to the negotiations. And so it was. I met several times with the President of Poland and the Chancellor of Germany, even via videoconference. I wrote the treaty. The day it was signed was a historic moment for the community. I am very proud of that treaty. Another of my greatest achievements has been being able to attract so many businesses to the BUK. BUK is the strongest and most stable economy in the community, and it would not have been possible without Kenneth.

BUSA HERALD: You have been talking a lot about Climate Change. But what are you doing?

RICHARD THOMPSON: I spoke to several citizens about their concerns and climate change was one of their biggest concerns. HM Treasury will begin a campaign to encourage companies to be more eco-friendly. I will be hosting a conference on that soon, possibly this month.

BUSA HERALD: How can a business be more eco-friendly?

RICHARD THOMPSON: We recommend recycling. This is the simplest and cheapest way. Although they can also install solar panels. We will not force them to do so; each company has the right to do what it wants. Businesses that recycle, use renewable energy or do something to be more environmentally friendly will receive a certificate from the Treasury, the “Green Certificate”. I will talk more about this certificate at the conference.

BUSA HERALD: BUSA will not be independent anymore. Is it possible that there will be an alliance between the two countries?

RICHARD THOMPSON: It is very likely. Unfortunately, I cannot say more.

BUSA HERALD: What is your opinion of the current administration?

RICHARD THOMPSON: Prime Minister Donovan Moore is a great leader. The people know it, the polls show it, the country sees it. He is undoubtedly one of the best Prime Ministers the United Kingdom has ever had. He is doing a great job.

BUSA HERALD: Alright, thank you for the Interview.

Source: Richard Thompson | The Chancellor of the Exchequer calling someone from his office at Horse Guards Road, London. | Photo taken by: HM Treasury | All rights reserved.

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