Content / Data Types

Ryan Dzelzkalns
Published in
2 min readJul 10, 2018

This week we’ve been focusing in on user experiences based around different types of data. Right now we’re focusing on three different possibilities:

  1. Night Life

Using location data on people’s phones, we’d like to thoroughly creep them out by letting them know the internet “knows where you sleep.” Depending on the individual, this data will be more or less invasive, but we believe the baseline experience already will leave our participants at least a little uncomfortable and help raise their awareness about what their personal data can reveal about them. For this one, we’re working on the display method and whether a mirror is appropriate (maybe something more like a periscope or binoculars, so that if a viewer is with their partner, we won’t accidentally announce that someone is sleeping where they shouldn’t be).

2. Data Tattoo

For this experience we are focusing on making people’s invisible data quite literally tangible. We’ve imagined a sort of photo booth-like set up that will be proclaiming, “Ever dreamed of getting a personalized tattoo? Try out a temporary tattoo!” There will be a mysterious portal through which the user can place their arm. After gathering their data we apply a temporary tattoo to there arm sharing something a little “too honest” that we can glean from their data. Imagine some beautiful script that reads “I like my cats more than I like people,” or “I pretend to be someone I’m not.” We want to physicalize the interpretations that algorithms are assuming about our personal data.

3. Digital Health

Using psychometric data from Cambridge Analytica, we want to visualize our participants digital double. However, we want to distort the image in such a way that displays how their data is perceived and marketed to. So for instance, if by their online behavior and data they have an older digital double, we will age their reflection. Besides this visualization, we will create a prescription to help them better manage their data and make it better fit their real life self. This will be a sugar pill with a personalize tool-kit to help them manage their data more appropriately.

