Busha Newsletter; 6th May.

Chibuzor Anyameluhor
Published in
3 min readMay 6, 2019

We have been up to so much good and can’t wait to share them with you. Let’s dive right in with the first super amazing news…

Trade Free on Busha!

Yep, you read that right. Last week, we launched our commission-free trading on our app for all transactions. What that means is when you carry out any trading transaction on Busha, we charge you no “Busha fee” for using our app. This automatically makes us the best platform to get the best prices for your favourite coins ($BTC, $ETH, $RMT). Isn’t that exciting?

How this works: If you already have the app, you don’t have to do anything extra. During your next trade, look out for the Busha fees section where it says “0”. For new users who don’t have the app yet, kindly visit the Play Store or the App Store to download the app for free. Once that is done, complete your verification as this will enable you to trade on the Busha app.

N.B: Network fees (such as a third-party app like Paystack) will not be borne by Busha. So while making a card transaction, you are likely to see a network fee charge, don’t fret. We don’t charge any hidden fees either.

To ensure you don’t get charged network fees for every transaction, you can deposit fiat into your fiat wallet on Busha. So whenever you want to purchase any of your favourite coins on Busha, you simply do so from your fiat wallet for free. No Busha fees, no network charges.

Learn With Busha

Drum rolls!!!

At Busha, we strongly believe that cryptocurrency is the future. Unfortunately, many have not seen the light yet. With that in mind, we have set out a goal to educate as many people as possible about the beauty of cryptocurrency and blockchain technology. That is why we are pleased to inform you about the launch of our amazing platform Busha Learn!

Here you will understand the basics of crypto and why we believe it is the future. Get answers to all your questions about cryptocurrency. It was designed for both the cryptocurrency experts and bitcoin newbies. So there’s something for everyone.

As they say: learning never ends! Visit the learning portal now: learn.busha.co to get started. Don’t forget to share with your friends. Knowledge shared is priceless (*wink wink*)

Now to the other fun stuff…

Busha Update

Ensuring that our apps are working in top form always is our priority because that way we serve you better. That’s why we rely on our growing, thriving community (which includes you) to let us know any issues or bugs they have experienced.

You spoke, we listened. We carried out bug fixes and general performance improvements so you can use the app with ease and without any issues.

That’s all folks!

Do well to make the best of these new opportunities especially the zero trading fees that many other users are currently enjoying. Have fun learning on the Busha Learn portal.



Chibuzor Anyameluhor
Writer for

Writing is an art. Editing is a skill. I love both.