How to mint Bushido

Christopher Davis
Bushidos 👹
4 min readOct 20, 2021


The mint opens around 10:00am EDT on Wednesday, October 20th. The early mint will close around 10:00am EDT on Friday the 22nd.

Mint through our website →

Mint through our contract on Etherscan →

How to use the Public Mint

Mint via the website

Visit the website around 10:00am EDT on Friday, October 22nd. You’ll be immediately prompted to connect your wallet. Do that.

Enter a number (1–8) and click to Mint. Complete the transaction in your wallet, and you’re done!

Note: if gas fees are in the thousands or higher, it’s likely because there is not enough ETH in your wallet to cover the cost of the Bushidos + gas. Add more ETH and try again.

Mint via Etherscan:

You can also mint directly through our smart contract. To do this, head to Etherscan and connect your wallet by clicking Connect to Web3.

Scroll down to row #6, Mint Bushidos and click to expand it.

In the second box, enter the number of Bushido you’d like to mint (1–8). In the first box, enter the total cost in ETH for those Bushido (0.088 * your amount).

Click Write to initiate your transaction in your wallet.

Note: if gas fees are in the thousands or higher, it’s likely because there is not enough ETH in your wallet to cover the cost of the Bushidos + gas. Add more ETH and try again.

Pricing cheat sheet:

  • 1 Bushido = 0.088 ETH
  • 2 Bushido = 0.176 ETH
  • 3 Bushido = 0.264 ETH
  • 4 Bushido = 0.352 ETH
  • 5 Bushido = 0.44 ETH
  • 6 Bushido = 0.528 ETH
  • 7 Bushido = 0.616 ETH
  • 8 Bushido = 0.704 ETH

How to use the pre-sale mint

How to mint

There are three ways to mint Bushidos:

  1. Mint with an allowlisted address
  2. Mint with a single Sashimono in 1 transaction
  3. Mint the max number of Bushido per Sashimono in 1 transaction

Mint from Allowlist

1 Bushidos | 1 transaction

People who hold OG Bushido or Contributor roles in our Discord will be able to mint 1 Bushido. All of these people provided their wallet address over the last several weeks. If you’re not sure which address you provided, you can find yours on the list of allowed addresses here.

If you have at least one Sashimono, you can mint with that in addition to the whitelist. It’ll just be another transaction.

Mint from a single Sashimono

1 or 2 Bushidos | 1 transaction

You might want to use this option if you want to mint just 1 Bushido. Enter a Token ID for a Sashimono in your wallet and choose to mint 1 or 2 Bushido using that Sashimono.

You will not be able to use that Sashimono to mint a Bushido again.

Mint from multiple Sashimono

Max Bushidos per Sashimono | 1 transaction

You might want to use this option if you want to mint a bunch of Bushido at one time. Enter the Token IDs for your Sashimono and click the button to mint the max number possible. Separate your Token IDs with commas.

You will not be able to use these Sashimono to mint Bushido again.

Check Sashimono ID

Since Sashimono can only be used once to mint Bushido, you may want to check before buying one on OpenSea during the early mint period.

Just enter a Token ID and click Check ID. You’ll see a popup at the top of the page informing you if the Sashimono has been used or not.

Help and Support

How do I find my Token ID?

Look for a number in the upper right corner of your Sashimono. That’s it!

How do I reset my MetaMask connection?

Just refresh the page! You should see the MetaMask window pop up asking to connect to the site. You can now choose a new wallet and connect. If that doesn’t work, try a hard refresh with Shift + Command + R.

I’m clicking the Mint button but nothing is working

First, make sure you entered a Token ID in the input field. If that works, make sure you’re connected to MetaMask by clicking the browser extension and looking for the “Connected” indicator.

If you have any other questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out via Twitter or Discord.



Christopher Davis
Bushidos 👹

I like to design, write, cook and think about things.