Create AI art, get money

Dr Vince Hall
Business AI
Published in
5 min readNov 13, 2023
My art with LimeWire’s studio. see link at the end.

LimeWire has created a platform for generating art with AI, and will give you free images.
Free credits to create AI art: 10 credits, that’s about 10 to 20 images per day! It renews daily!
Not bad! I was expecting monthly.

Go have some fun. I think this is a little cheaper than some other AI art tools I’ve used.
Plus the free credits actually allow you to create a good amount of art, rather than having to wait a really long time for free.

Generate new art

Go to “Create Image”

You can do anything:

Prompt: “A Renaissance painting of a group of penguins having a tea party.”

Penguins having a tea party.


Prompt: “An expressionist painting of an octopus wearing a tuxedo, delivering a lecture to a group of very attentive blobfish
while a group of penguins plays poker in a smoky jazz club.”

That’s not exactly the long list of odd things I tried to force the AI to create, though it is strange and humorous.


Choose to create 1 image at a time or 2 or 3 or 4. but the credits will be eaten up by every image.

Image editing by prompt

The quality is pretty good. I found the photo-edit-by-prompt to be hit and miss. I uploaded am image of myself.

Go to “Edit Image”

Image of myself, Vince Hall from ABT NEWS LTD. This isn’t the exciting part.

Then I asked it to give me a yellow shirt and a handlebar moustache.

Prompt: “Give this guy a yellow shirt and a handlebar moustache”.

Older me with comedy moustache-beard. 😂

Haha, I’ve never seen a soul patch like that. I’m not sure that’s how a handlebar moustache is meant to look.🤔 The shirt’s not yellow. At least the moustache is yellow/blonde. And he kind of looks like me.

So I added “old” to the negative list. The list of things I DON’T want.

Other things you might not want: Negative prompt: “Aliens, cars, dogs, purple zebras wearing ice cream cone hats.”

Try again.

Prompt: “Give this guy a yellow shirt and also give him a Fu Manchu moustache.”

It gave me an even older guy, and I’m not sure the moustache is correct.

Hmm? 🤔Looks grumpy too. Haha!

I need to work on my prompt skills for this AI tool. Image resizing by


You can control the image quality, size and details. And there is a variable called Prompt Guidance, to control how close you want it to follow your prompt.

You can select a different AI to generate the images: variants of DALL.E, Stable Diffusion, Google Imagen.

But the default engine is Blue Willow v4, which I used for this article.


There are many options for pricing: monthly, save 20% by paying annually or just buy credits and use them when you like (PAYGO). Prices go from free, $9.99, $29.00, $49.00 to $99.00/month.

Limewire’s AI Studio pricing, many options.

Publish your art to earn money!

Once you have generated some excellent images, you can publish them to earn money. Not hard, it’s right there in the platform.

You can choose to publish them in Polygon or Algorand blockchains.
Your images will be minted as NFTs on the blockchain. NFT: non-fungible token, a blockchain object that is not just a copy of the other things (fiat currency is fungible.

Blockchain: where Bitcoin lives, and there are many other things there now (currencies, game items, music, images, videos, real estate transactions, supply chain management, voting and healthcare data but this is turning into another article).

Share your post, and you can get up to 70% of the revenue. That’s not bad, revenue too. Though, when you price your image, they say there is a 2.5% LimeWire royalty and a 2.5% creator royalty, you get 95%.

Don’t forget to follow the link they give you and list your item for sale.
You’ll have to set a price (USD).
Images in there, that are for sale there, are listed at usually around $1, but also $7, $50...
You don’t have to sell, can just enjoy the art, but why not get paid for your efforts as well?

LimeWire likes to share things, so:
You can also share other people’s images to earn 10% commission.
It’s not just images, it’s also videos and audio you can create and share to earn. One can subscribe to the artists.

A while ago, LimeWire used to be a peer-to-peer file-sharing platform.
Now LimeWire is a blockchain platform for artists to share and sell their works. It’s still developing, so there is more to see, hear and get involved in.

Go here to get your free daily AI images, pay for more images, and even earn for your artworks: (ABT NEWS LTD affiliate link).

Have great fun with it! It’s a cool way to earn money from having a good time being creative!

Let me know what you create; you can comment here.

And Let us at ABT NEWS know what else you want to hear/read about.





Dr Vince Hall
Business AI

Director of AI for ABT NEWS LTD. My background is AI/ML. I've researched, coached, lectured in AI. At ABT NEWS we consult in AI, and share news about AI tools.