Special issue call for papers from Business & Economic Quarterly

Deadline for submission: 30th October 2018.

We are inviting interested authors to submit manuscripts for consideration for a special issue of the Business and Economic Quarterly. The purpose of this issue is to advance and embrace the inherent possibilities emerging from African economies. With this call, we seek contributions that analyze and articulate either conceptually, empirically or theoretically some of the key issues emanating from African countries. Against this backdrop, this special issue of Business and Economic Quarterly endeavors, for the very first time, to bring together academic and practitioner perspectives on African economies.

Submit your work

Submissions to the journal are made here: http://www.bequarterly.galazii.com/manuscript-submission/

For author guidelines, visit: http://www.bequarterly.galazii.com/instructions-for-authors-business-economic-quarterly/

Submitted papers will then be subject to a formal process of peer review. The special issue will be published online in December 2018. Please note that, in Business and Economic Quarterly, submission and publication are free of charge.

Topics may include, but are not limited to:

  • Entrepreneurship in the informal economy
  • Workplace environment, workers’ welfare and productivity
  • Fiscal/monetary policy and financial inclusion/development
  • Digital technology and inclusive education
  • Environment, health, and the policy response
  • Woman’s role in economic development
  • Violence, bribery, fraud and the political economy of elections
  • Leveraging science, technology and engineering for long-term growth
  • Arts and culture for sustainable development

Adopted research methodology can be quantitative or qualitative, such as econometric methods, operations research methods, action research, case studies, surveys, etc.

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Business and Economic Quarterly
Business and Economic Quarterly

Peer-reviewed business & economics journal. International. Scholarly. Open Access. www.bequarterly.galazii.com