
Embracing Change

S. C. Roberts, Bsc., ADE
Business and Psychology


I have been a professional educator for the past twenty years. Half of those years were spent as a trained teacher. Sadly, of those ten years, only two were spent applying the knowledge and skills I learned to become an effective facilitator of learning in the classroom.

What Changed?

In 2015, I developed vocal chord nodes. The recommendations I received from the ENT required me to be removed from the place and people I am passionate about uplifting—the classroom and students. I had to request from my superiors to be placed in another department within education where I could still contribute to the development of the education system. I was transferred to the Accreditation Board. This opportunity enabled me to learn about the quality assurance that governs the structure and functioning of our learning institutions.

New Territory

I was seconded to the Accreditation Board and was given the Administrative Research Officer job title. Within this role, I was expected to function as the Office Manager. However, because I am open to learning and believe in growth, I was exposed to the opportunity to conduct site visits for institutions seeking registration and accreditation. Also, I was asked to present at forums and media houses. Full-filling these roles paved the way for career advancement. The opportunity finally arrived.


All these changes came when I was pursuing my first degree. Yet, I accepted each shift with grace. Upon completing my degree, the opportunity to advance at the institution arrived. The position became available after the resignation of the Accreditation Officer. I applied for the position and have been functioning in this role for two years, along with the initial position I held. Yes, I am functioning in both capacities at the same time. The workload aligns with my high-functioning ability. Further, it equips me for personal and professional development.

Lesson Learned

My experiences taught me that it is not about the challenges but the lessons to be learned. The knowledge garnered throughout my tenure as an educational professional has allowed me to impart my knowledge and experiences to others. In my ebook “Embracing Change,” I documented my experience to help others comfortably navigate this path. The journey is worth it!


As I reminisce on my almost twenty-year educational journey, I am grateful for the challenges I encountered. They have shaped me into a person filled with gratitude and life-long learning experiences. In closing this chapter, I look forward to transitioning to a new role in education but focusing on competency-based education. No experience is wasteful; every lesson is transferrable to the next career opportunity.

Happy reading, and thank you for your time! Embrace your challenges!



S. C. Roberts, Bsc., ADE
Business and Psychology

Hi, I call myself BusTech for short. This name originates from my love for Business and Technology. I am a Self-Published Author, Course Creator, and Trainer.